SPECIAL EPISODE: BEA'S REVENGE (Part 3) (last ever episode)

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Joan and Marina are alone
Joan - You thought you killed me but I'm sorry to disappoint you, I was just in a coma and was buried alive
Marina - Mores the pity
Joan - You also tried to kill me when you ran me over that time, there is no way I can let you get away with any of it, trying to kill me once is unacceptable enough, twice just takes the piss big style
Marina - You can't fight me, you're back where you belong, a prisoner, and you are in my prison now. I'm governor now at last
Joan - That won't last long, you're bound to mess it up for yourself or I'll mess it up for you
Marina - I should have been governor months ago anyway, we both know that. I was supposed to be governor after the Blackmoor riot and Eileen double-crossed me and your pardon was illegal and you had no right to be free and be governor. you're back where you belong as a prisoner and I'm also where I belong and deserve to be so if you had any sense of humility left you'd accept it with a bit of dignity and not keep trying to fight, you'll only lose anyway
Joan - Pfft! you can forget about me ever accepting it, I never will and I'll fight you until I am satisfied I have made you pay, I want revenge and I bloody well intend to get it
Marina - I'll take you to H Block, I am sure your old mate Bea Smith will be pleased to see you

In the Recroom, Bea and Judy are sitting down together when Marina arrives with Joan
Marina - Here she is ladies, another one back from the dead!
Bea and Judy look surprised
Marina - I'll leave you to settle in Joan
Marina leaves Joan alone with the women
Bea - So you're not dead Joan?
Joan - That's right. now we've both returned from the dead Smith, something we have in common
Judy - What are your plans now that you're back?
Joan - Nothing that needs to concern you Bryant so don't worry, you'll hardly even notice I am here
Bea - You mean to tell me that you won't be planning to cause trouble?
Joan - Oh I'll be causing trouble but not for you, only for Marina and Marie, they are the only two I am interested in now, no one else. I got over my feud with you months ago
Bea - Same here, I forgave you when you saved Chloe's life
They nod at each other

Later on, Bea and Judy are alone in their cell
Judy - Sure we can trust Fergo?
Bea - I think so this time, anyway, if she proves to be trouble I'll sort her out quickly enough
Judy - She said she wants to get Marina
Bea - yeah and she can do what she wants with Marina, she is corrupt so Ferguson will do us a favor if she gets rid of her
Judy - Thought any more about what Vera said to us?
Bea - Yes, I still want to make Sandra suffer but we definitely need to watch Marina too
Judy - But do you think we should stop torturing Sandra?
Bea - No way, she deserves it. I just hope Bennett can keep her mouth shut
Judy - I guess she probably will, I think Donovan scared her pretty badly by threatening Cassie
Marie arrives in the room
Bea - And what do you want Winter?
Marie - Come to tell you about my plans to be top dog!
Bea - In your dreams, I'm the top dog and not about to give it up for a bitch like you!
Marie - We'll see about that, I love a good fight

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