Episode 803

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The governor's office
Bob - So I mean it Smith, stop giving Officer Williams a hard time or I'll come down on you like a ton of bricks
Bea looks bored and unimpressed
Janice - Well Smith, what have you got to say about this?
Bea - Williams saved Clements from a bullet, I can't forgive her for that
Bob - Fine, then don't forgive her. But keep your feelings to yourself from now on. Don't continue this vendetta against her
Bea - Yeah sure...
Bob - You're not convincing me that you mean that
Bea - Oh what a pity Mr Moran!
Bob - I think you need 24 hours in solitary to think about your attitude
Bea looks outraged
Bea - What? You can't do that!
Janice is delighted
Janice - Mr Moran is the governor, he can do what he likes
Bea - You bastards!
Bob - We can always make it 48 hours if you'd prefer that Smith
Bea sits quietly fuming
Bob - Ok Miss Raymond, take her up
Janice - With pleasure Mr Moran...come along Smith
Bea gets out of her seat
Bob - Oh and Smith, I really do suggest you use the time wisely to think about your attitude toward Officer Williams
Bea (angry) - Yeah sure!
Bea storms out with a delighted Janice

Toni is still tearful as Beth comforts her
Toni - So that's it, now Sandra is in Ingleside and Bea Smith hates me
Beth shakes her head looking horrified
Beth - I always knew that woman Clements had a screw loose. I didn't think it was this bad though
Toni - I think we all knew deep down inside, but none of us did enough to help her
Beth - I don't think there is much anyone can do for people like her, to be honest. At least she is in the best place now, the place she needs to be
Toni - Yes, but look at the harm she has caused to people before that happened
Beth - Oh love, I can see this has really got to you
Toni - Yes it has, it really has
Beth - You need a holiday
Toni - Yes, Mr Moran encouraged me to take one. Maybe it would do me good for three or four days
Beth - Any thoughts on where you'll go?
Toni - I haven't a clue, got any ideas, Beth?
Beth looks thoughtful

Janice shows Bea into solitary
Janice - I was thinking only earlier that you were due a spell in here Smith.
Bea - Putting me in here won't change the way I feel about Williams
Janice - Oh dear... this just won't do Smith
Bea - Tough! Not much you can do about it
Janice (smirking) - Isn't there?
Janice leaves the cell
Bea watches her go with an intrigued look on her face

Vera arrives at the Rec room with Sasha
Vera - Ladies, another new arrival
Judy gets up and approaches with a smile
Judy - Hello love, nice to meet you
Sasha - Yes hello...
Judy - What's your name love?
Sasha - Sasha...Sasha Cartwright
Vera-Cartwright will be sharing with Cummings
Madge glances over with a roll of the eyes
Madge - Oh great!
Vera - Well you should count yourself lucky you had a cell to yourself for so long Cummings!
Vera leaves the room
Judy - Come and sit with us, love
Judy guides Sasha over to where she, Martha, and Pixie are sitting
Judy - Your first time is it?
Sasha - No hardly, I have been inside at least half a dozen times now. But never in this prison, usually Barnhurst or Fairlea
Judy - I see, well this place isn't so bad once you get used to it. Anything is better than Blackmoor anyway
Pixie - What are you in for Sasha?
Sasha looks angry
Sasha - The reason I am here is a farce, a total farce

PRISONER CELL BLOCK H: EPISODE 693 ONWARDSWhere stories live. Discover now