The Taxi Man

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  I'm a 16 year old girl, living in Mongolia, located in Asia. I have been reading these stories for a while now, and I thought nothing like it would happen here, but oh boy was I wrong.

It all started a few weeks ago. I missed my school bus, so I decided to take a taxi. I sat in a normal looking taxi and I told the guy where to go. The driver looked about 30. At first we were making a small talk and I answered him politely. After a few minutes he starts asking weird questions like "how old are you? Do you have a boyfriend? Where do you live? When do your classes finish?" I started to get creeped by all the questions, so I lied. He kept looking at me through the mirror and I tried to hide my face as much as possible. Thank god my school was close, I quickly told him to stop. Right before getting off, the guy grabs my hand and asks if we could stay in touch. I obviously said no and pulled my hand. I saw my friend and ran to her, without looking back.

That day I kept remembering his face. When the school finished I was going to walk home alone, but I noticed the taxi from the morning. I get chills. Then I notice the guy staring right at me, when he met my eyes he waved at me. I quickly run back to school and tell my friend everything and he agrees to walk me home. When we come to the front of the school, the taxi guy notices that I'm with a guy. He looked pissed, and left. I was relieved but still cautious. Thankfully my friend told me that he'd pick me up the next morning.

I don't tell my parents or my sister about the man, thinking they'll get worried over nothing serious. The next day comes pretty fast. I meet up with my friend and we walk to school. I notice a taxi following us, at first I ignored it, but after 10 minutes it was still following us, so I tell my friend. He and I ran as fast as we could to school. Now things were getting creepier. When I get to school I told my teacher about the incident, but she said it's nothing serious. The whole day I was in fear that the man would be waiting outside my school.

This also happened the next day, but my friend always walked me home. One night I was looking out the window when I notice the man in the parking lot (note that I live in a tall apartment). I don't know how he knew where I lived. I get chills that instance. I quickly grab my phone and call my mom and tell her to come home as soon as possible. When she came home, I told her everything from the beginning. She asks me why I didn't tell her sooner, but I tell her that I didn't want to worry her. My dad comes not a moment later and I also tell him about the man. My mom calls the police. They come a few minutes later and arrest the man. The police officer questioned me and the creepy man was taken to the police station. Later I found out that he had a list of criminal records.

So I was lucky to have such good friends.  

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