Trailer in Texas

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During the summers when I was in high school, I used to work with my older cousin Jess flipping houses. When this happened, it was the summer after my senior year and I was 18. Jess was twenty five or twenty six. Anyways, normally he'd do regular houses (with foundations)—not trailers.

There was this guy, though, whom I'll call David, who contacted Jess with a REALLY good deal for flipping a trailer. Two problems, though—the guy lived in Texas (a few states away) and Jess had the time limit of five days to flip it. David didn't say why he put the limit. I still don't really understand why.

When Jess said we couldn't go, the guy offered to DOUBLE the already ridiculous amount AND pay in cash. He said he'd even pay half the fee up front so Jess knew he wasn't kidding. He said he wanted Jess because Jess had 'flipped for a friend of his.' He never gave Jess a name of the friend, or if he did, Jess didn't tell me. Finally, Jess agreed to go and my mom gave me permission to go with him, so we drove to Texas with all of our house flipping materials.

David said that we could stay at his place, but Jess wasn't comfortable with that even though the nearest civilization was about thirty minutes drive away, so we booked in at a hotel. When we met David, my first impressions of him were great. He was a well built, clean cut guy, maybe a little bit of the 'country boy' type, but that wasn't uncommon where I'm from, so it didn't bother me too much. He was incredibly charming and charismatic, and he paid Jess half the money, like he said he would.

He owned about forty acres, and he lived in a freaking MASSIVE ranch house and had three horses. He said it was 'family money' and he didn't actually work. He took us to the trailer, and as soon as Jess saw it, he asked for more time, but David said three days was still the limit. It was really trashed...looked like a tornado had gone through the inside and someone had taken a hammer to the outside.

Jess and I started working immediately, and we made really good progress. In the middle of the second day, I almost passed out because of the heat inside the trailer, so Jess made me stop working, and I had wandered over to the corral where David's horses were. I was watching them when David came over and asked me if I rode, and I told him I hadn't since I was about eight. He invited me to come riding with him that afternoon, and I, being the horse enraptured female that I am, said yes. Jess was cool with it (he still wouldn't let me work) so David saddled up a couple and we got going.

He lived in a pretty forested area, and we went down a deer trail. We'd gone about a mile and a half when he told me to stop, because he thought my horse was limping. I got off the horse and he got off his horse and he didn't really look at my horse (the one he'd said was limping). Instead, he came up to me and said that he had been thinking about me since he saw me in my mother's hotel a year ago. (My mom doesn't own the hotel...she just works there and sometimes I help out.)

I was just kind of like "uhhhhhh", and David got closer to me and kind of cornered me between him and the horse. Then he said, "I want to lick your tight pussy" and kind of lunged forward.

He was a lot bigger than me, so when he lunged in I went under his arm and ran into the forest. I know the horses couldn't follow me because the underbrush was thick, and I don't know if David followed because all I could hear was my blood. I just ran as fast as I could in the vague direction of his house (where Jess was) and I still don't know how I didn't get lost or break my ankle or collapse of heat exhaustion.

It took me about an hour and a half to get back, but when I broke out of the trees I saw that the horses were already back in their corral, meaning David had returned, but Jess's truck was still out in the front, so I finished my crazy run over there and found Jess. He knew something was wrong when he saw me (hot, sweaty faced, out of breath) and I told him everything that had happened. We got in his truck and drove off, and called the police as soon as we were off David's property. The police came, but because it had only been me and David in the woods, it was kind of a 'my word against his' situation, and David was an affluent member of the community, etc, etc, and he hadn't actually DONE anything—just made those freaky comments.

Long story short, nothing happened to David and Jess and I were basically given a 'stay away' warning. So. Nothing's happened with David since then, but as Jess and I were driving back, he suddenly started cursing David out and screaming in the car and I asked "what, what??" while freaking out.

Turns out that in the plans David had made for the trailer, which Jess was altering slightly for the sake of time, it was going to be turned into a bedroom with a heavily reinforced door, air conditioning, and the windows would've been replaced with more metal.

It horrified me completely.

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