Hunted Down For My Bike

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A month or so ago I scored an old second-hand bike from a friend, which isn't in great shape so I would only ride it around my street (block) a few times a week. I would only ride this bike around 6 - 9pm.

One night after eating dinner I felt like going for a ride around my block. I went outside and it was darker and quieter than usual, most street lights were shut off, and there were no cars coming down my street - so I could freely speed up and down the middle of the road.

My street has a sharp curve near the end, and another road begins perpendicular at the very end. I was riding really fast towards the curve in the middle of the road, just as I was turning along the curve I saw a dark skinny figure standing on the street beside me. The realisation of a random figure on my empty block suddenly appearing next to me was so frightening, that I immediately breaked and skidded, which caused me to fall off my bike. After falling, I fumbly picked myself up and looked to my left, ofcourse the figure is still frozen in the same place. Because of a street light nearby I could make out that the figure was an older lady wearing entirely black, she was staring intensely at me. She had shocked me so much that I was actually really embarrassed and disgruntled that she was still watching me without saying a word (which I found very rude) even after I had fallen pretty bad.

I remember looking back at her and smiling to let her know I was okay, but she remained expressionless and motionless. It was also freezing outside, so I didn't understand why she was standing in the middle of the street seemingly without reason.

After collecting myself I hopped back on the bike and looked over at her again, no change - still standing there staring straight back at me. At this point I started to feel spooked. I rode off very fast and turned onto the next road, which leads me to the very start of my street - where I would continue riding around in a circular motion. After a few minutes, I came back to the same place where the older woman was standing beforehand. I was expecting her to have gone by then, but no.. she was still in the same exact spot. I curiously decided to ride very slowly past her. As I came closer I could see she was still watching me. Her eyes were so intense, very wide, all whites showing and sunken. She had an expression on her face, as if she had seen a ghost, Like I was the ghost that she was terrified of. I tried smiling at her again to let her know I was friendly and harmless, but as I passed her she only turned her head towards me without breaking the horrifying eye contact.

Instead of continuing down the end of the curve, I made a u-turn and rode the opposite way, passing the woman again - but this time I didn't look at her because I was too scared. Very shortly whilst riding back towards my house, I saw two figures, but this time they were standing right in the middle of the road in front of me. I swerved onto the footpath, and as I passed I could see they were two men. Both standing motionless as well, but staring right at me. I was terrified at this point.

I kept heading towards my house, going faster this time, it was when I heard the sound of a car engine revving up and driving behind me I really panicked and tried to ride as fast as I could. I soon understood I was being followed, so I impulsively jumped off my bike, filled with so much adrenaline that I didn't look behind, but sprinted down the street and scaled the nearest house fence. I squatted in a bush and looked out through the fence - the car was driving reaaallly slowly down the street as if searching for me. It stopped where I left my bike and I saw the front seat door open. But nobody came out.

At this point I was filled with so much fear that I stealthily ran along the fence and made a decision to bolt out onto the street to get back home. I just remember feeling as if I was running 100 km/h and hoping that whoever was out there wouldn't see me. Luckily it was so dark I managed to get back home safely. But without my bike.

As soon as I got inside I looked out my loungeroom window through the blinds expecting to see a car, or some figures approach my driveway. I never saw anything and soon went to sleep. I never got my bike back either. When I checked the next morning in daylight, it was gone. I have no idea why those people were out there, that late, in the cold watching me, or why they took my bike.

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