The Church Parking Lot Story

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About 8 years ago I started going to community college, which meant I had long days and classes at random times. When I got home from school, I would always park my car in the church parking lot near my house. I lived in a small house behind my parents house at the time.

One day, I noticed that there was a man sitting in this green SUV parked a few cars over from mine around 9 pm when I got home. I thought it was weird because no one parked there at night as it was in the middle of the suburbs, but I figured that it was likely a one time thing and forgot about it.

The next day I got home around 2 pm and the car was in the exact same spot with the guy just sitting there doing nothing. I thought that it was weird that he was there again, but just went to my house and watched TV for awhile. I then got a call from my friend down the road asking if I wanted to go on a drive, so I left to go pick her up. I noticed that the guy was still there, still in his car. He was still there when I got back.

This went on for a couple of weeks, he was there every day at all hours. Morning, day and night. He would be there until 4 am some nights. I started to get really weirded out by this, because there were probably 50 or more spaces to park in and he was always 3 spaces away from mine. He knew I parked there, as I was the only car that parked there because there was a gate to my house in the fence across from my normal spot. It was very unnerving that he was always there.

Finally one day I came home and the guy wasn't there, so I decided to park in the spot he was alway in. It didn't seem special, there were no extra trees in the spot and it faced the fence. There were hills on the other side, which were much prettier and more scenic to look at. Once I parked I stayed for a few minutes and called one of my friends. Finally, I noticed something horrifying...I could see into every window into my house. I didn't have curtains at the time and had a pretty stupid habit of walking around in my underwear. I mean, I had a huge fence and there was no way into see into my house from the street. I freaked out and realized that he had been watching me...

I took my parents mastiff and made him stay with me at nights after that. I also stopped parking in the church parking lot unless it was during the day and parked in the lot even though I had to open a huge gate manually to get in and then close it for the dogs. I told my dad, but he thought I was crazy and paranoid. But my mom, she believed me.

One day, we got in her truck and drove behind the guys car to get his license plate number. He got really angry with us, stormed out of his car and yelled at us. My mom basically said, you're really creepy you can see into my daughters house and you're here all of the time day and night. He said he was cooling down before he went home after he went to the made no sense.

We called the police and they went to his house. It turned out he was a married dude with kids and he told them he was listening to his tapes. I had actually snuck along the fence where he couldn't see me at one point and just listened to what he was doing as his windows were down. He was sitting in silence, there were no tapes and I never heard them. The police told him that he would be in serious trouble if they found him parked there again and that he basically wasn't allowed back there. I know the police get a lot of shit sometimes, but they were great during this incident and said they scared him.

The next day, he wasn't around and I thought that it was over. It was also my friends birthday, so I went out to dinner that night. I came home around 11 pm and there was another car parked in the same exact fucking spot. I was livid. I knew it was him, but a different car.

I told my mom and then just stayed at my parents because I was pretty freaked out. My mom decided to drive her car through the parking lot to see if he was still there. Once she drove through (with her brights on), she saw that no one was in the car. She figured it was a coincidence and drove past then turned the car around. Once she turned the car around, she saw a man get up from a crouched position and then speed out. Apparently she thought to herself that this was a prime opportunity to follow him.

He was going 70 mph on a residential road and went through a few different streets trying to loose my mom. Finally, he went to the main road and there was a red light. My mom pulled up next to him and he pulled his sweatshirt over his face and covered himself with his arm so he couldn't see her. He may have thought it was my dad, who is huge/is an ex-NFL player and is very intimidating looking. Once it turned green he sped off again and after about 10 minutes finally lost my mom.

She immediately called the police and they told her that it was very suspicious, and that she probably should leave chases up to the police next time.

After that, the man never came back and I got curtains. To this day, I still don't know what his intentions were. I had a huge ass 170 lb mastiff, who was friendly to most people but was very protective of me (and it was really obvious) to everyone. I also had a brother who was a double state championship winning hockey player and a huge dad. But, the only one who intimidated him was my mom.

Creepy ass church parking lot man, Lets not meet again.

Let's Not Meet AgainOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora