Locked Doors

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So this happened when I was 16. I'm a female, in case that's important. I'm 5'3 and about 100 pounds. Not that intimidating. Anyway, my mother was in rehab at the time. Very sad and my mom had a really good job before she started drinking again. My dad then decided to pick up extra shifts until my mom got better.

I was home alone most of the time (I know super cliched) but I was actually very happy. I'm very social and I loved to have friends over. Now not to brag, but I had a LOT of friends. I would have about 20-25 friends over at the most. Well anyway about 18 of my friends showed up around 8pm one night and we swam in the pool and chilled for a bit. Everybody went home by 10.

Anyway one of my friends posted a selfie of us on Instagram. The photo was took when we were out on a walk a while earlier and in the background you can see the name of my street. My friend texted me shortly after with a screenshot of one of the comments on the photo. The comment was from somebody we didn't recognized and it said 'I know that place, see you soon'. I was freaked out but not majorly, I let it go (I was stupid, I know).

Around 10:45 I was down in the wine cellar getting 2 liters of soda (I know, we keep all of our drinks down there including water bottles). I walked back up and noticed something weird, the radio we were playing music on earlier was now on, full volume. I assumed one of my friends forgotten something, were trying to prank me or wanted to come back. I walked towards the back door and saw nobody. I was then convinced somebody was pranking me. I locked the backdoor and said 'Have fun, but I'm not letting you in'. My backdoor and the windows next to it are large and see-through. I sat down on the couch a few feet away from the backdoor and started watching TV.

A couple of moments later I noticed something in the corner of my eye. It was the prime example of a stereotypical creep (Somebody with a hood covering their face, black pants, black shoes, literally every single creep on here). I said 'Haha, very funny, Alan. What did Jessica put you up to this?'. But he didn't move. Usually when they pulled pranks like this they would start laughing after I noticed them. I started to think what if it wasn't one of my friends. That's when he RAN to the door and tried to open it. I jumped and panic ran through my body. He then walked over to my plants near the area and knew whoever this was, was looking for a rock or something to smash through the door.

I jumped off the couch, grabbed my phone off of the kitchen counter (Should've grabbed a knife), and stopped. There was ANOTHER GUY standing at my front door. Tears start filling my eyes as I ran to the garage door. I went in and I was about to turn the garage door up, but it would make so much noise and I thought they would run over here and kill me. My garage has a neat layout, the car is in the middle and you have the garage door back there, usual. But there's 2 doors installed in the garage right next to the car. One of the doors is a storage room filled with boxes and another one is my dad's 'office' and I knew he kept a gun in there.

I ran to my dad's office door but it was LOCKED. The keys were in the kitchen drawer. I tried to open it for at least 3 seconds until I heard glass shattering. I had no choice but to go into the storage room. I went in but the door didn't have a lock on it. I hid behind a rack of boxes and hoped no one spotted me. That's when I heard a man's voice say 'I think she went in the garage', my heart dropped when I heard that. I was still somewhat hoping it was a prank.

The garage door opened and I heard walking from outside the door. One of the guys opened the door I was in, I was internally freaking out until I heard him say 'Nobody's in here' and when they tried the office door I heard someone say 'She's in here!' and attempting to break the door down. I thought while they were busy trying to knock that door down, I could call the cops. I called them as silently as possible and told them my situation. I heard from the wall next to me, they were breaking the room apart looking for me. They told me they would be there in about 3-4 mins. After what felt like forever I heard sirens and slowly a breath of relief came out.

They were gone and arrested. They looked at the guy's Instagram and all his photos were of true crime dead body photos. Ever since then I hide all photos that can trace to where I am and I always have the doors locked because I don't want to know what would've happened if the backdoor wasn't locked. My mom has also gotten clean and got her job back and my dad is at home with me at night.

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