The Walks to School

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This happened 4 years ago, when I was in grade 8 and my little brother was in grade 4.

Back in grade 8, My brother and I would walk to school together everyday. This started in, from what I recall, April. & of course involves a fucking WHITE VAN.

Me and my brother were off to school walking down a relatively busy street (and the last street before the street the school is on), always cars going up n down, with houses on both sides of the street and always a lot of kid and their parents walking to the school also. I notice a white van (immediately made me sceptical) driving down the road when I turned around to see what the car was driving by. When it drove towards us it slowed down a little bit right beside us then sped off. The same thing happened on the way to school the next 3 days. I started to get kinda pissed at this guy.

It is now a friday before the weekend (YAY!). Im walking to school with my brother. My little brother gets ahead of me because I had to tie my shoe and what do you know the white van pulls up and slows down right beside my little bro, I immediately look at the license plate as I was getting prepared for the van to show up. I get to the license plate number onto my phone so I wont lose it. The van speeds off again. This really started creep me out like 8 times more than it did before, I didnt let my brother out of my sight the rest of the walk there and asked him if he noticed that van always slowing down beside him and he said "yeah, its kinda weird". I guess at his age he didn't know the gravity of the situation we were in.

After school the same day, Im walking home with 3 other friends and my lil bro is like 15 feet ahead of us. My friends and I are just talking about stupid shit and I notice the white van drive by, I take a glance at the license plate, same one as earlier. I immediately call my brothers name. "Noah! Come here and walk with us!" He turns around walks with me and my friends. I told him the white van just drove by so watch out if you see it. I told my friends all about this fucking creepy white van and my friend Troy says that he has my back no matter what.

We go through the weekend without anything happening with the white van so I suppose he doesnt know where we live.

It is now Monday morning, again walking to school but we both see no white van on the way their. I'm thinking to myself that maybe the guy has FINALLY stopped for the love of all that is holy. Until we get to the school and I see the van parked on the other side of the street. My little brother didn't notice and I didn't tell him because I didn't want to make him scared. Now I'm really fucking pissed. He has the nerve to creep on my lil bro like that and now fucking creep on him at our fucking school?

I immediately go to Troy and my other friend Brady and ask them if they remember the white van. They say yes and I tell them that its parked right down the street. I ask them to come with me to confront him. They both say yes.

So we walk up to the van and Troy knocks on his window and the man rolls it down. He's wearing a cap, sunglasses and has a grey beard, breathing really heavily for some reason. I immediately get some creepy as fuck vibes from the prick. I decide to take out my house key and wrap the lanyard around my hand and put the key in between my pointer finger and middle finger just in case something happens.

Troy asks him in these exact words in a pretty intimidating voice, "Would you like to explain why you are such a fucking asshole and following his little brother to school every fucking day? huh prick? please explain." The man immediately turns on his truck and drives off, doesn't even say a single word. I yell "Thats right you fucking pussy bitch! Drive off like the fucking cockmuncher you are!" That felt really really fucking good.

When we got back to school I told my teacher about the van and he says he will keep watch every morning. We didnt see the van the rest of the day.

The next day, I arrive at school with my little bro and I notice again that the fucking van is there again. As I walk up to my teacher he asks me if that is the van I was talking about, I say yes. And the school immediately called the police and they show up. The school is basically in a court so there is only one way out through vehicle transportation so there was no where for the prick to go. The police confront him and guess what....we NEVER SEE THE FUCKING PRICK AGAIN! THANK THE HOLY SPIRIT!

The police told my mom and she got extremely mad at me for not telling her as she told me she would rip his balls off before he even saw her coming.

I felt like such an idiot for not calling the police or telling someone else earlier as it would have taken care of the situation much earlier. But Im happy that he got taken care of because I dont know what I would do if my lil bro got taken away by some pedophile and I cant think about what could've happened to him if he had taken by him. I also have my friends to thank for at least trying to help. Me, Troy and Brady are still best buds and we hang out alot. They'll always be my brothers from other mothers.

I hope for his sake I never see that prick again or I might actually kill the guy because the world would be better without those assholes.

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