The Guy Who Used To Live Behind Me

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I was maybe 16 or 17 at this point. My dad's area isn't that bad, it's mostly elderly people. But the people who lived behind my dad were not the type of people you'd want your kid hanging out with. They were affiliated with drugs, alcohol and doing criminal things.

I knew the daughter and one of the sons, Donna and Will. But had no clue about the others. I used to sneak out to my back yard and chat with Donna and have a cigarette, mostly when my parents were sleeping. Donna and I never actually hung out, we only talked over the fence that separated our yards. Every weekend, we'd hear house parties and police showing up. On Facebook, I'd see "Wanted" Ad's for Will by the police. I knew they were up to no good, but I didn't mind just chit-chatting over the fence. It gave me something to do.

My parents bought me a new curtain, a bamboo one. My bedroom window faced their fence. Little did I know that you can see into my room through the bamboo curtain/shade. When you're in my room, you can't see anything! I had been getting ready for bed on a hot summer night, listening to music and dancing around getting undressed when I heard some whistling and "Take it off!", "C'mon baby, do that again!" and so on. I had no clue where it was coming, so I quickly got my clothes on and went outside. About four guys, three of them I didn't recognize but one was Will.

I got my dad to change my curtains. Told him I didn't like them because the string got stuck all the time (It did though... I wasn't really lying)

Fast forward about a year later. My friend Brandy and I had been on a 3-day party weekend bouncing around from house to house. One of those houses we came across was Will and Donna's. Will was home, but upstairs with his girlfriend the whole time. So we were stuck with some weird 40-something y/o dude who kept hitting on my friend, and Nick. There were a few other girls there too, but they were all hooking up with the other guys there. Brandy and I were just hanging out talking to Nick the whole night. He seemed okay, but he didn't like the fact that we were under 19. The night went okay, and we went home. Obviously our parents weren't too happy about us being on a 3-day party spree. We ended up being grounded...

Over the next few years, I had heard from a lot of people that Donna and Will were still on the run from the cops for multiple things. It didn't surprise me. Then I heard Nick went to jail as well for stabbing a guy... I wasn't sure if he killed him or not. When I was 21, I moved into my first apartment with my 3-month old son and my high school friend Molly. My sons father was in jail himself, so I was a single mom. My friend Molly was on Plenty Of Fish and met a few people on there, one in particular, Justin (I think that's what his name was, I can't remember). Molly then hooked me up with someone named Nick who was Justin's best friend. They both came to my house as I was building some shelves. Both Nick and Justin sat on my couch talking to Molly, but I noticed Nick was just staring at me while I was building this shelf... I looked up and I think I kind of looked stupid trying to see if I knew him from somewhere. I said, "Did you used to live on Perth?" He said, "Yeah... With my 2 brothers and sister" I asked if his sister was Donna and he said yes. I said, "Yeah, I remember you. You and your friends and brother were out back hootin' and hollerin' at me one night when I was undressing in my room... Not hard to forget that face." He started to giggle and said "That was you? Wow! You look good now!" I thanked him and went on to building my shelf. He talked to me about how he had gotten out of jail, on probation and working for the city. He said he wants to see his kids, but the mom isn't allowing him to. I wanted to ask, but that wasn't my position to put a rumor back into action again about him stabbing some dude. So I left it and we hung out. Molly and I allowed them to stay the night, and the next morning they left. As they were leaving, Nick swung the truck to my side of the building and made Justin shout out Good-bye and that Nick wanted me to text him. I rolled my eyes and said to Molly, "T'ya, okay there bud! Now that I know who you are, not a chance!"

Well, immediately that same day, I got a text from a random number... Molly must'of given it to Justin to give to Nick. "Hey, I'm just at work thinking about you. You're so beautiful. Only if I could see you through your window this time..." I showed Molly, and thought he was being cute... I, on the other hand, don't. She finds creepy stuff like that cute. I told him, "I'm glad I'm on the 4th floor... no on can see in my windows, and if they did, I'd come down and beat them with a stick" I was being sarcastic and honest, but he found it funny. He kept texting telling me how he would support me and my son, he's a lot better of a man than my ex was, and so on. I was brutally honest and told him, "You and my ex have both been in jail... there's no difference. If you can't be around your kids, why would I want you around mine?... You may be able to support me, but I'm a big girl and a job, I can do it myself. Thanks for the offer."

He stopped texting me and calling me. But I'd hear his truck around the corner from my apartment all the time... I'm a smoker, so I went on my balcony a lot. He still lives around my dads house, so every time I walk there, he's constantly watching me. He hasn't made a move yet though.

So, Nick, Lets never meet again. That would be nice.

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