Creepy Geeky Ex Boyfriend

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A little bit about myself, I'm a tiny half asian girl. This happened when I was 18 yrs old in grade 12. I am 23 now so I might not remember too much details but ill try my best.

I was very into anime and Japanese culture though out grade 9 to grade 11, (i would dye my hair constantly and tie it up in to long pigtail like anime character) until grade 12 i got caught up with school work as well as volunteer work.

I broke up with my boyfriend at the time (Travis) because i didn't think it would work since we weren't in school together anymore. (we've been dating since i was grade 10 but he is a year older than me so he was already graduated).

One day I was walking out of school for lunch, a hand landed on my shoulder, as i turned around I saw a tall skinny kid with beautiful light blue eyes and black hair that long enough to cover half of his left eye.

"hey, Lily. My name is Ken. I think you're very cute. Can I buy you lunch tomorrow?"

I have never met him before so i didn't know how he know my name, but our school was very small and everybody knows each other so I didn't think much of it.

"Sure, see you tomorrow." I thought he was very cute too, I mean c'mon you know how girls like dark hair and light eyes. so we grabbed much the next day, and began dating not long after.

At first he was very nice to me and would always be waiting for me after class just to walk me to my next class. sometimes he would surprise me with candies.

I found out that he literality had no friends, was bullied in middle school, I felt sorry for him.

He liked anime and online games a lot.

so after school we would hang out at his place and watch anime together, sometimes i would make lunch for us at my place during lunch, even when i was on some stupid diet powder i would still make lunch just for him because his mom never buy any food at home or make anything for him.

but the longer we were together the more clingy he get to a point where he would scream at me on the phone when i was to hang out with anybody, and sometime it gets worse..

he would threaten to walk over and wait outside till i come home(I live in a very cold city sometime it could be -40 out), so i was not allowed to hang out with anybody but him.

sometime we would Skype and whenever i try to tell him i need my personal space he would cry so loud that his mom would walk in and yell at me too.

I started to feel like he never really like me he was just obsessed with the idea of me, because he would constantly telling me how glad he was to be dating a cute little asian girl..

but he'd also constantly telling me to dye my hair like i used to in grade 9-11, i refused because i loved the way i look, i loved my nature hair and i don't think i need to change myself just because someone wants me to. i told him no i don't want to he would say something really really hurt me,

"when you were dating travis you were so cute, why are you looking like this when you are with me?" i was so hurt i didn't understand how someone could claim they love you yet saying something so hurtful...

i mean its not like i honeypot him because when he first met me he knew i didn't dye my hair anymore.

at this point i tried to break up with him over and over but he would always threaten to kill himself or he would walk all the way in the snow to my house just to cry and scream at me...

I added Travis on my Facebook to apologize for the break up and we became friends. i told him about Ken, he said his brother was in his grade and told me he was very strange and creepy... well.. no shit.

I started avoiding Ken, and stopped talking to him.

One day I was walking home for lunch like i usually do. when i was about a block away from home i heard someone walking behind me, i turned around and yup it was Ken..

so i started running into my house and just when i thought i was safe, nope...

I heard the garage door was opening, but i didn't give him the passcode so i was freaking out, i didn't know what to do because no one else was home except for me. and everyone in school were having lunch no one would answer their phone.

so I called Travis, he lived 3 blocks away from me, he told me to chill out he would be driving over immediately.

Ken got in my house was holding our snow shovel, crying and scream at me begging to get back with me.

I was so scared not knowing what he was gonna do with the shovel, so i just cried and yelled at him to get out of my house, he began to hit his head with the shovel and his whole face was covered with blood... just like what you would see in scary movies.

so i ran out of my house and saw travis waiting out in his car and he got out saw Ken and told him what he was doing is very immature and he was scaring me and basically just told him to piss off and leave me alone.

i was just crying on Travis's shoulder afterward. I honestly don't know what i would do without Travis.

So after that happened, he became a regular in the teacher office, and most of my teachers know want happened and would always looking out for me, so that's how he finally left me alone. So Ken, let's not meet ever again!

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