Creepy Neighbor Upstairs

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So a little back story to start, i live in a flat with only 1 neighbor above me. I have a son who is from a previous relationship that also lives with me along with my wife.

So this started a few years back in 2013 when we first moved into this flat, everything went well we was happy to have our own home, we was really friendly with the neighbors especially the neighbor that lived above us. We were fine for the first year or so, she was an older lady in her late 50's as a young couple aged in our early 20's it was nice to have someone who was so nice when we first moved in.

We was approached within the first few weeks explaining how she was a little weird stories including vandalizing the precious tenant's car and throwing paint on the doors. These even went as far as giving full bottles of vodka to an alcoholic that lived on our street because when ever he drank he got violent. This creeped us out a little but she seemed so opposite of what we knew of her we had been alright with each other for months.

Thats when things took a turn, we got a knock on the door from the police stating we had been abusing my son, i was shocked he was around 2 at this age and was happy as can be, i remember letting the police officer in and he came saw my son playing with his blocks in the living room then the police officer rolled his eyes apologies to me and then left. We spoke to the neighbor upstairs about it and she seemed to suggest it was another neighbor as she over heard them speaking about it. Thinking it was no good to dwell on we left it and nothing happened for a few weeks.

a few weeks later my son's mother came around and was rather distressed she showed me some messages she got on facebook from someone called "John Smith" they explained they worked at the nursery my son attended and was concerned about my son going into alot of detail of how late on a night we go in and shout at him and abuse him. I flipped my shit and even gave her a copy of the recordings on my sons baby monitor. See since the last time we was accused of anything we installed a baby monitor that stored the last 7 days onto a sever i have. This is linked to my mobile perhaps due to paranoia after hearing all of the kidnappings than can happen. The funny thing that made no sense was that in the message it had my full address me and my wife's full names and details of our house even about the background that i had on my computer (which was a payday background) but was explained as a scary mask on my computer.

It made no sense at all! the only person in my house was the neighbor upstairs and my parents i dont like people within my space and she use to come around and use our bathroom and shower as her bathroom was being converted into a wet room.

Later on i got a phone call from the neighbor and said that some white nationalists was trying to find me, (now im half cast Indian) apparently i said something that they didn't like and they came to "batter me" she explained what they looked like and that they had leather gloves but she lied and said i didn't live there...

I phoned the police and we was on a watch list due to the threats that was said (all passed to me from my neighbor) she got an interview with the police and declined any of it ever happening and she said that was on drugs! now i have not touched drugs in years, and even then it was only abit of cannabis.

things got abit weird and she had her son starting to live with her, one evening we was playing d&d and around 9:30pm we got a few text from her explaining she wanted quite or else, things had been slowly escalating up till this point, i replied "fuck off its 9:30 we finish at 11" i wouldn't of minded but this had been a regular occurrence for a few weeks, we play on Saturday nights and this had not been a problem for the year or so we had been doing this every Saturday. Things escalated further she started banging on the floor put the vac on and threatening to send her son down to come "do me in" I confronted him the next day about this and he declinded everything and said that his mum was abit "sensitive" turns out she has bipolar, This all makes sense now... from poisoning my plants and lawn to threating me with her sons... she has now left and has a for sale sign on the flat... ...that explains why the house was so cheap when we got it...

So Sociopath neighbor.... please dont move back in...

I now know some people just want to watch the world burn...

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