Creepy Guy In Front Of The House

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To give you a little bit of context: this happened a couple of months ago, right during my country's independence festivities.

Since it was a long weekend and all of that, the streets remain pretty much EMPTY. Everybody's at their houses with their family and friends, eating and chatting, or at local parties, but definitely NOT outside on the street cause well... you can't drink on the street, it's illegal, and a lot of police are going around checking for disturbance. Because of the festivity, my sister left to visit relatives with her boyfriend and my nephew; this meant that someone had to go check the dog for three days, give it food and all of that stuff.

So the way I do it, (and have always done it) I go to the house very early to let the dog out of the house and go again rather late, around 9 pm when its already dark to let her in and give her food again (a lot of cats live around so I can't leave the dog door open, or else they come in and pee on everything).

So anyway... It was around 8.30 pm when I decided it was around time I checked on her. The sun was still up so I put on a coat and started walking, since it's pretty close to my house and right in the middle of the highway. I do all I had to do, pet her a little bit and leave about an hour later, stand at the bus stop a couple of meters away from my sis' house and wait for any bus; since all the buses that pass through her house are good for me. Tried to call dad and tell him I was on the way back and waiting for the bus (he told me to take the bus since it gets pretty dark and some people really like driving drunk for whatever reason) and it had died on me again.

This is when it starts going down.

I leave the dog inside the house, lock the entrance and all that jazz. There are barely any cars and this is a really busy road, I guess it just hadn't really hit me that it was that time of the year again. I'm standing there under that little roof and the light when I see a man. This man didn't have anything particular, he was carrying a bag, looked maybe 50, was neatly dresses and had gray hair.

He was coming from the other direction. He walked a little funky so my guess is he's drunk since it is a day of celebration and whatever; but when he passes right in front of me he doesn't smell like anything, and besides he looked really well dressed, 'cause I mean, you don't really look tidy and smell good when you have been drinking two days straight, do you?

This man walks and right in front of my sister's decides to cross the highway, to a little shop that's there (closed at the time). From this position he just... stared. Didn't even look at the store, just stared right at me, and I'm a 5'3 girl so I immediately went into defense mode. The sun was no more and the lights weren't good enough but I could feel him staring. Then, after a couple of minutes, crosses the street AGAIN to the side where I am standing, and waits in front of my sister's house, just a couple of steps away from me. No cars are to be seen, not a soul in the street, just me and him in the middle of a highway. He looks at the house for a couple of seconds (I had left some lights on on purpose so thieves would maybe give it a second thought if they wanted to come in). He turns to look at me again.

Then, like this behavior wasn't suspicious enough, he crosses the street AGAIN to the same store. I had managed to convince myself maybe he was just going back home with something he had bought but now I was convinced he didn't have any business going on but to stare, because he wasn't really going anywhere.

I am freaking out, REALLY freaking out now. I am definitely not a coward and this man looked small enough so I could probably knock him out with a big stone I had seen close to the bus stop; buy only if he came any closer.

Then another man appears.

...Although this one has clearly been drinking. He stands next to me at the bus stop; he is big and looks rather intimidating. I think, worst case scenario, I run the fuck out and leave these two alone if this weird dude crossing back and forth tries something shady. Even this slightly-out-of-his-senses man seemed to feel a weird vibe. He looked at the man on the other side of the street, then at me, and then at him again.

Right when the weird old man is trying to come close to me again, a bus comes by. Both the drunk man and I wave our hands vigorously trying to get it to stop, the bus is so full I doubted a needle would have enough space.

The old man puts his foot on the sidewalk where I'm standing right when I get on the bus, but doesn't try to stop it. The drunk man and I looked at each other shortly, like he knew and I knew something had almost happened. As the bus starts again, I look out of the window and see the old man. He still stares at me as the bus begins to move rather slowly since it's packed with people.

I thank with all my heart this one drunk man, because even though he would have probably been no help, he made me feel like at least someone would know if something happened to me. I have no idea what this man wanted, but he wanted something alright.

So yeah, let's just not meet. Not ever.

Let's Not Meet AgainOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant