I Still Cannot Explain This...

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This took place 14 years ago, when I was 15 years old.
I grew up in a-not so safe- suburb of Athens, so in my life I unfortunately had a few creepy encounters, but this one diserves the prize of creepiness.

So one day I recieved a text message from an unknown number in my phone from a boy named-let's say- John. He claimed to be a boy from my school and that he liked me very much but was too shy to come and talk to me, so he "found" my phone numbe but he would not tell me how. I was not flattered at all, basically because I have always been a shy and very private person, so I kind of felt like he invaded my personal space. Anyway, I decided to turn my mobile off, and take a goodnight sleep with the hope that he would get the message that I was not inerested and he would not text me again.

The next day I woke up to find 10 messages in my phone, some of them were romantic song lyrics and some of them were him begging me to give him a chance and meet him. To tell you the truth, at that point it crossed my mind that my classmates were playing a prank on me because I was not a very popular girl in school with my black metal clothes and my sketchbook always in my hands. I got dressed and went to school hoping they were not laughing at me behind my back.

As soon as I got there he messaged me telling me that he really loved behemoth and my heart started racing because on that particular day, I was wearing my behemoth t-shirt... I said to myself that's it! and texted him that I wanted to meet him. I needed to know who he was and why the hell was he spying on me. Of course he was more than happy to meet me the same afternoon, behind school in a super market parking lot, which was really isolated and dangerous. I agreed. My plan of course, was to arrive there earlier and hide behind the huge dumpsters that were there, in order to just see who he was.

And that's exactly what I did. But noone was there. I texted him and asked him what he was wearing. He told me he had long hair and he was wearing a black shirt with a pair of blue jeans. Suddenly, a blue van arrived and parked very close to the dumpsters that I was hiding behind. Two middle aged men got out, one of them was short, bald and really fat and the other one was bald, tall and fit. They both looked very clean and they were wearing black shirts with ties and gray fancy trousers. I immidiately called the number and the short guy's phone rang... He didn't answer it. He texted me " my battery is low, I am here waiting, where are you babe?" I froze with fear. Who were these men? What did they want from me? How the hell did they know my name and how they found my phone number???

I acted quickly, I wrote down the van's number and called the police telling them that I am in great danger. A couple of minutes later I heard the police coming and they quickly got into the van and disappeared.

The police tracked the van's number down and found out that the vehicle was stolen. They advised me to change my mobile number and promised they would do what they could to find them. My dad started driving me to and from school.

Next day at school, one of my friends asked me if my dad had found me and if everything was ok. I was confused. She then explained to me that a couple of days ago my dad showed up outside school and told her that some people robbed him and they took his mobile phone amongst other things, so he needed my number to call me because he could not find me and he needed to know if I was ok because he KNEW that this particular day I had skipped class and he was worried.

I asked her what did he look like, because she had never met my dad before. She told me he was a middle aged bald short heavy man, dressed really nice...... Now let me tell you, my dad is a tall, young man with long hair and he kind of looks like Aragorn from LOTR, Lol!! So try to imagine my terror when she described the man from the van..........

The first mistery was solved. My friend did this huge mistake and gave a stranger with a totally unconviencing story my number. But still.. How did these men knew my name? How did they know she was one of my very few friends? I had no facebook or other accounts at that time because I did not even own a computer! How the hell did they know all those details about my life and the most important... what would they have done to me if I had fall into their trap.

In conclusion, the police never found anything about them, I never saw them again but there are times until now that I live abroad, that I have this strange feeling of being watched...So creepy fancy-dressed bald guys, let's never ever meet again!!!

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