They Just Wanted to Talk

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My story takes place 19 years ago. I'm a female and I was 16 at the time. I'm 5'7", I was about 130lbs, and I like to think that I'm strong, but I couldn't take on 2 young men.

So, it begins with my mother and step-father going away on vacation, and leaving my 17 year old sister and I home alone. They did this quite often. My parents were not winning any parenting awards. My sister and I didn't get along either, she was a nasty piece of work. Luckily, she'd decided to go stay at a friend's house while my parents were away. I was nervous about being alone, so I had my boyfriend staying with me. He was a pugnacious dick head, but I'm glad he was there.

One night, Brett and I were at my house, and we had just started messing around, when I heard a really loud knock at the door. My room was in the basement, but at the landing area between the stairs (you know how some staircases are broken up, and there's a turn around area, that's the landing) there was a window that I could see the stairs that lead up to the alcove of our front porch. I could see 2 people standing there, and just as I was peeking out to see them better, one of them saw me.

I remember feeling the breath sucked out of my chest. There were 2 young men standing on my porch, it was almost midnight, and I had no idea who the hell they were.

The guy that saw me let his friend know, and they both looked in the window and asked me to come to the door. My boyfriend had gone upstairs to open the door, and I remember freaking out because I had told him not to. He was one of those guys that thought he was Mr.Toughguy and believed he could fight anyone. He was telling the guys to leave just as I joined him at the door. They saw me and called me BY NAME and asked for me to let them in. Brett told them to fuck off. One guy, I think he said his name was Wes or Les, something like that, said "Come outside, we just want to talk to you." to my boyfriend.
I said "No, thanks, we're going to bed." and shut the door. I was really confused and getting very frightened.

They stood on my doorstep for a few minutes, then started knocking again. Wes/Les explained to me (through the door), that he was my sister's friend, and that she had told him I was alone at home and that they should come by. I knew my sister, and I believed them. That did not, however, make me stupid. I told them to leave.

They started kicking the door. It was shaking and I seriously feared that it would not hold up.

I was so scared that I ran into my kitchen to call the police. I was assured that they would be there very soon, and to lock the doors and stay on the phone. Meanwhile, Brett was still yelling at them, which only served to piss these guys off more. I begged him to shut up, but he would not listen to me. I was locking all the doors and windows upstairs, while Brett went down to check the doors.

Down in the basement, there was a huge mud room area, and it had a thick wooden door made of 2x4 planks, kind of like a barn door. The door had a big old lock on it, some spring loaded turn bolt, and also had a plank to set across it, like a barricade. One of the guys was pounding on this door, and Brett heard him tell the other to go try the back door.

This stupid door was one of those 1960's things that had a happy little square window, right at face level, with a little curtain across it. I was at this door, trying to jam a chair under the flimsy knob when I looked up and saw the unnamed guy just looking in at me. I screamed, and the dispatcher asked me if I was ok. I barely squeaked out that one of the guys was looking right at me through the window.

He was older than me, probably about 20, and he was tall, and he looked scary as hell. His dark eyes were drilling into me and he wore this creepy, placid smile on his face. I had never seen this man before, but he knew my name.

He tapped on the window with one finger, never breaking eye contact, and said "Becky, let me in..." I couldn't breathe.
The knob was rattling as he was messing with it, he said again "Let me in, Becky. I just want to see if you're ok. I just want to talk." He stared at me. I didn't say anything. I was just 3 feet from him, with my back pressed to the fridge when he suddenly started beating on the door and screamed "Let me the fuck in this house! If I have to break in, I will kill you both so just OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" he looked maniacal.

Then there was a loud knock at the front door, and the man went silent. He gave me the most hateful sneer I'd ever seen. I heard shouting and he ran down the back stairs and into the woods along the back of my yard.

Brett had gone to the door. It was the cops. There were 2 female officers at the front door, and one was just starting to raise her voice asking where I was when I came to the door, too. I was so relieved, I started sobbing. I told them they had run away through the woods.
Luckily, the woods were not deep. They actually ran along the bank of a large river and there was a bridge just up from where the woods met the road. One officer ran around the back, while one stayed to get a description and take my statement. Officer #1, came back and spoke to officer #2, said she saw them running across the bridge. They both left in a hurry, hopped in the cruiser and sped off.

I was still crying and shaking, but I was absolutely furious at Brett for riling them up. I went to make myself some tea, thinking of all the ways I could kill my sister when she got home. I had so much anger, fear and adrenaline pumping through me I could have ripped her to shreds at that moment.
20 minutes later, the cruiser came back. There were 2 guys sitting in the back seat and the officers wanted me to confirm it was the right guys. I looked through the window, and saw them. They still looked terrifying to me. They were in cuffs, and could not get to me, but I would not get close to them. Neither would look at me. I confirmed it was them, and we spoke a bit. I told the cops about my sister "suggesting" that these 2 men should come see me. Officer #2 kind of mumbled "What a bitch." I had to agree. I pressed charges for attempted forcible entry, property damage (they had broken a window in the living room), tresspassing, disorderly conduct and attempted assault.

Initially they both plead not guilty, but later admitted to some of the charges. They both got 18 months in jail and were forbidden to contact me or my boyfriend ever again, and to be at least 500 meters from me at all times.

I never heard from them again. I confronted my sister about it, and of course she denied it, then laughed about it. Laughed at me. She was an awful person. I have no idea what their true intentions were, as they maintained that they were just there to talk to me. I'm thankful I didn't have to find out.

So, 2 strange to me guys who "just want to talk" at midnight, Let's not meet.

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