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I'm really sorry for not being able to update for the past three days to all of you views who enjoy this.

Sadly a great tragedy in my life happened. The most sweet, caring and beautiful friend had taken her own life and now we leave her in Gods hands and heaven has certainly gained an angel, and we know that she will be with us in spirit forever.

This post is not for condolences, but instead to spread a message regarding mental health and also bullying. She was that one 'shy at first' but 'crazy at heart' kind of girl, she was sweet and happy and full of life, someone you always wanted be around.

She didn't deserve to be bullied and it was defiantly not her fault that she was a victim of verbal and sometime physical abuse from school, a place she is meant to feel safe in.

For the past few months she did suffer with mental health as she didn't seem to love herself, and she listened to nasty things that people would say, and she would believe them. I can't stress enough how important education on this matter is! Children need to be educated on the repercussions their words and actions have to other children who don't have the mental strength to deal with it! It's not fair that a young girl in her mid teens was put into a place where she saw no other option then to end her life! 

What is this world that we live in!!!???

Please be kind to one another and please do not take your family for granted. Life is short, so tell your family and friends if you ever need help, as she would put it 'YOLO'. You will always be loved and you are all important no matter what.

I, myself, have posted a new book called "Suicide is NEVER the Answer" so if you ever need help please read it!

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