Bikers Looking For Me

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This happened a few weeks ago. I like to walk my dog whenever I can and that means I go for a lot of night walks. I've never had a problem other than this experience.

My walk already started out weird as I was walking up the first hill in my walk and a jeep came around the corner blasting Katy Perry music slower than normal and sort of demonic. The jeep slowed down as it approached me but still drove away and about 3 minutes later came around again blasting a different song but still slower than normal and sounding demonic. I thought it was weird but didn't think it was a big deal and continued walking.

I had been walking for about 25 minutes and turned a corner and saw a motorcycle (not like a typical biker gang bike if you know what I mean) coming down the street at a decently fast, definitely going over the speed limit speed. As he rode past, he turned and looked at me and seemed to slow down. I just kept on walking and he sped away.

I got to the end of that road, turned, and heard the biker coming up on a different but connected street again. It sounded like there were more than one and my guess was correct when three bikers came screaming around the corner and sped past me. I mumbled to my dog about how fast they were going and turned to go down the street I heard them initially on.

I walked to nearly the end of the road and heard several bikes being revved on the roads I was previously on. The roads were short and they were speeding the last time I had seen them so I assumed they would be upon me in a very short time. At this time, I got a bad feeling and as the first headlight came around the corner, I ducked into a house's bushes and pulled my dog into the bushes with me.

About 16-18 bikers blurred past at very high speeds and I watched as they all turned onto the road leading to where I had started my walk. I was about to leave the bushes due to the all of the bikers almost out of sight until another one sped around the corner and down the street. Suddenly, it slowed down at the house next to the house's bushes I was in. I recognized the original biker I had first seen by his helmet pattern as it was mostly bright orange with a yellow stripe and from what I could see all the other bikers had mostly yellow or green with a yellow or green stripe on their helmets. The biker looked around at the surrounding houses, into the forest behind the row of houses I was currently hiding in, and took off after a car turned the corner at the end of the street where the bikers had come from.

I stayed in the bushes until I could no longer hear the bikes and quickly jogged home. This experience has made me become more aware of my surroundings at night and made me stop walking at night for the past few weeks.

Weird bikers and biker guy who was looking for me, let's not meet.

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