I Could Get In A Lot Of Trouble For You

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I just want to start this off with a little background info. I'm a 16 y/o female, about 5'6'' and 100 pounds. Not very big, never have been. This just recently happened to me about 3 or 4 days ago. Although I wasn't exactly in danger, it's very creepy nonetheless.

Anyways, I am on independent study, so I only have class for about an hour every Wednesday at 11:30. I was all set in my usual routine, ready to go by 10:45 so I had enough time to sit in my car at the park to smoke before class. Parking was very scarce due to construction, and I had to park in the corner over by the bathrooms in order to be away from children and construction workers. My day was going pretty damn nice so far, it was a beautiful day outside, I had just gotten a new pipe and I had still found a nice spot in the shade regardless of how crowded it was.

I had just gotten my grinder and pipe out and started to pack a bowl when I realized a man across the street with his dog. He is middle eastern and looks around 50 years old. He starts off on the same side as me, but I watch him cross the street and walk a few feet. He stops when he sees me, and then crosses the street again and continues to walk in my direction. I don't really think much of this because he has a dog, and I figure he just decided to cross the street into the park. Also, normally I don't like to smoke in front of people because sometimes it makes me feel disrespectful, so I decide to just wait until this man walks past my car to light up. I put the grinder and pipe in my lap and cover it with my bag and casually go on my phone to wait until he passes.

Unfortunately for me, this man stops right at my passenger door and motions for me to roll the window down. Now that he is closer, I realize that I have seen this man many times over the years in my neighborhood. I rolled down my window, but only about a quarter way down because he was a little close and it made me feel a little on edge (i thought it was just because i read this website frequently). I am a very shy girl so I was already very nervous, but I put on a poker face and addressed him as calmly as I could sound.

I leaned toward the passenger side and said "Hi, can I help you?" He moves closer to my window and says, "i don't mean to bother, but can you rip me one?" he points to my bag on my lap and I realize that he is referring to my pipe. This strikes me kind of odd and I remember thinking, how the hell did he know that i was going to smoke? I hadn't even taken a hit yet, and I knew for a damn fact that I hid any drug paraphernalia as soon as I saw him coming down the street. But since I have seen him around for years and live in a generally nice area, I decide to give him the benefit of the doubt and say sure, why not? He smiles at me kindly and I remember thinking that this guy actually seemed very nice. He leans in even closer and asks, "Do you mind pulling up to my house? It is just across the street and I am not comfortable doing it out in the open around so many people."

I look around and realize that he's right, there are many trucks around and construction workers literally everywhere. So my dumbass goes, " Sure. But I don't feel comfortable letting you in, so you walk there and I'll park on the curb." He turns around and begins to walk with no protests, and waits for me with a slight smile as I pull up to the curb.

I start to feel a little uneasy and decide I'm going to just give this guy one hit and leave. He walks up to the passenger window and slips his fingers through the small space, getting as close as he possibly could. I saw his face change into a more concerning look, and he goes "You know what? We should do this in my backyard." This is when those red flags in my head really started to raise. I try to sound as confident and not scared shitless as possible when I speak up and say "No thanks. I'm not comfortable with stepping out of my car because I don't really know you." His face kind of drops and his tone goes a little lower. Then, any fake confidence I fooled him into thinking I have melted away when the creepiest smile I have ever seen spreads across his face. He leans in even CLOSER (i didnt think it was possible) and says

"you know, you don't look any older than 17. I could really get in a lot of trouble for you. You're very pretty. Do you have a boyfriend?"

At this point, every damn alarm is going off in my head to get the fuck out of there. I speed off without looking back once and haven't been there since. Also, I will never ever try to be a nice and sharing stoner with an old guy ever again.

Creepy guy at the park, let's not meet again. Or i'll run over your toes.

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