Mr. Smiley

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So I got this sub bus driver in 3rd grade. I thought he was cool & I got excited when I found out I had him. I noticed these things from the beginning. 1. He learned only the girls names 2. He liked handshakes from only the girls 3. He wasn't the biggest fan of the boys. My brother didn't really like him or didn't really care. Some girls liked him but that was only a few. 3rd grade me didn't understand why.

In 5th grade I joined band. That didn't really last long btw. Well I found out he would be driving the band bus since we practiced in the morning at the middle school. Well one day I was in a mood for sucking at the flute. So I put my hoodie up , kept my head down & dragged my stupid rollie backpack behind me. Mr.Smiley got mad that I didn't talk to him. Why? To this day I still don't know. Well when we got to school he stopped me. I had 3 kids behind me & I'm glad they were there. He stopped me & tried to talk to me. I barley talked & when I had the chance to flee I did. This is when I started to get the bad vibes from this guy.

In 5th grade the school took us to Robert crown to learn about puberty. Well after we were done learning about it every girl had to pee. I was the first girl in the bathroom & the last one out. Which that fact still annoys me to this day. Well being th last one out I was finishing up w/drying my hands off. A classmate of mine left & I looked at the door when she did. I caught a glimpse of you guessed it Mr.Smiley well I waited by the door until I knew he was gone then I booked it out of that place & onto the bus.

I told my parents about this because it freaked me out. They told me that they couldn't do anything since he didn't molest me. (I didn't tell them about the handshaking/lingering at the time) but they did say if he ever tried anything to tell a teacher immediately & that my dad would put him in his grave. They got me this ball that would light up when you touched it after it though to take my mind off of it. Which worked btw.

Well I forgot about him almost completely. Then towards the end of 7th grade my homeroom wasn't in the room it was suppose to be. So no one told me or my classmate Ed. So after wandering around looking for them we went to the office. There he was standing outside of the office. He smiled at me & said hello. I wasn't going to ignore him because I figured he would get angry like he did on the band bus in 5th grade. So I said hello or smiled I can't remember but I do remember Ed standing in front of me telling him we couldn't talk & him rushing me into the office. When we left he was gone.

A year later I had 2 more encounters with Mr. Smiley.

I have 8th period gym class & a cluster of girls including myself were coming back in after a game of soccer. Well Mr. Smiley showed up 55 mins before school ended. His bus was in front of the school & he was at the car rider area you can call it. Waving & saying hello to the girls. Some hid their faces, other ran inside, & a few whispered "shit it's mr.smiley" I hid my face& hid behind a few girls then ran for the door. I thought I & a few other girls didn't like Mr.Smiley not half of my gym class. So I asked my friend Bailey what she thought of him. She told me he was a creep & he gave the basketball girls candy wrapped up in wax paper tied up. It smelled weird.

well my latest encounter I had with him was about 4 months ago. I was walking down the 6th & 7th grade hallway. I shouldn't be going down that way because it was longer to get to homeroom plus I wanted to say hi to a old teacher. Well that's when I saw him. Blocking a 6th grader from getting to her locker. He was bent down with his hand out to her. She reached for his hand & he grabbed it. Giving her a handshake. I heard him say something but I froze. He would definitely see me I was the tallest one in the hallway. So I turned around & ran. I slipped on this kids folder but I kept running anyways. I was late to homeroom anyways. I told my neighbor Emmie what had happened & she thought it was weird.

Please Mr. Smiley just be a old guy with good intentions. Mr. Smiley & your smile let's not meet again. You give me a bad vibe

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