House Sitting

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A little background information, I'm an 18 year old 145 lb. 5'3" female about to leave for boot camp. I took this odd job for a bit of extra cash before I leave. My aunt and uncle live in a fairly upscale neighborhood with a fairly low crime rate. So what could possibly go wrong?

Basically, my aunt and uncle decided to take a vacation with my cousins (5 and 1) to Disney world. Seeing as I'm one of their only familial relations who doesn't currently have a super demanding job or any pressing responsibilities currently, I took up the mantel.

Everything was going fine; I stay at their house and eat their food so I can watch their dogs and I'm closer to work while getting paid to sit on my ass.

The one downside is I can't smoke in their house, so I have to smoke outside or in my car. Still, no big deal; I've dealt with worse winters than this in my lifetime.

So, I go outside to have a quick smoke berating myself for not quitting earlier and as I head back in, I realize I've accidentally locked myself out. This is day one of housesitting, there's no way in hell I'm going to text my aunt while she's on a plane with two children to tell her this.

Thinking quickly, I decide to go through the back door. It's a sliding glass door with a shitty lock that can be popped open from the outside with a screwdriver within a few seconds. The tricky part is the portion of a baby play set they have wedged in between the sliding glass door and the wall as a secondary lock.

I'm standing outside, freezing my ass off, while the dogs are inside, still need to be let out and barking. Trying to be inconspicuous, as I don't want the cops called, I glance around making sure no one is around, because it does look like I'm breaking and entering. I bang my hand on the portion of the window with the play set on it so it rises away and I can push the door open. Easier said than done.

I've finally made it in, dogs are let out, fed, groomed, etc, etc. I'm laying down to go to sleep (read: play on my phone for hours) and I've been hearing banging coming from the back portion of the house. The dogs keep glancing back at it but haven't barked.

I'm terrified, haven't gotten up or even looked back toward the door. The sound seems to be moving between each of the back three windows and the door. I don't know if this is normal or if I've been in this sub to long. I haven't and don't want to call the police, as I don't want to be the boy who cried wolf. But, I don't know what to do in this situation? Please help? I'll keep this updated?

Edit: After posting this my phone promptly died, I have, however, checked to see if it could have been a branch or a tree smacking any of the windows. Imagine my surprise when I go out back and the closest tree is 200 meters away from their house. At this point though, I feel a little better, it's daylight, and I didn't die last night.

For the better part of what I can remember, I think the banging noises stopped around day break as I was drifting in and out of sleep. The dogs only really barked around that time as they came up to lick my face and nudge my hands with their snouts. I thought they just wanted out, and in my sleep deprived state, let them out the back door.

There was what looked like a man walking toward the front of the housing development wearing darker colors, but I didn't think about it at the time because of the dog walkers in the area. Looking back, he was creepy asshole who didn't have a dog with him.

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