"It's Okay, She's My Girlfriend"

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Okay, this story comes not from me, but from my sister. There's about seven years between us, and we're both pretty different. My sister tries to be sweet and nice to just about everyone and I'm...well, at least I'm polite.

So when little sis first starts in college, she rooms with a party girl and two others. Sis being sis, she considers them all her friends and trusts them. This comes back to bite her in the ass, because one weekend there is a party off-campus. She does not know anyone at the party. But she does know party roomie! Party roomie tells sis that they'll go together and the minute sis is done, they'll vamoose. No hard drugs, nothing too serious. Just good college fun.

I'll give you a minute to crank up the Friday the 13th music.

So sis and roomie hit the party and roomie basically dissolves into mist. Pretty much everything she said turned out to not be true. There's a guy doing lines off the coffee table, pills being passed around, all over not her scene.

Well, the neighborhood was unfamiliar to my sister, and she still has some misplaced loyalty to roomie, so decided to wait it out rather than walk. She takes a seat on the corner of the couch and tries to laugh along when other people laugh, trying not to stick out like a sore thumb.

Someone noticed, though.

Some guy just walks right up to sis and puts a red solo cup in her hands. Tells her she's cute. Sis smiles and giggles as she screams internally, having realized she is officially over her head. The guy seems kinda nice, so she just tries holding a convo with him while just holding the cup(she may be naive but she's not dumb enough to drink from an open cup at a party)

The guy knows everyone she knows, what classes she takes, even the neighborhood she lives in. what began as a cool coincidence turned into a clear case of being stalked. The guy just knew an insane amount of detail about her. Through all this he kept urging her to drink, and she was running out of polite "no thank you" giggles.

So, to escape, she decides to go to the bathroom. She stands up. The guys stands up too. Sis lies and says she needs a napkin for the beer she spilled standing up. The guy acts all suave and says he'll get it for her. The second he turns his back, she legs it up the stairs. She has to fight her way down the hall crammed with people and goes and locks herself in the bathroom. Evidently the guy wasn't fooled for a second and came barging up the stairs looking for her. She hears him asking the people in the hall where she is, and then he says the most terrifying thing she's ever heard:

"it's okay, she's my girlfriend."

Idiots crowding the hall start hammering on the bathroom door, yelling for her to come out. Sis is huddling in the shower, in tears because she's so scared. She threatens to call the police if they don't leave her alone, and suddenly the hall goes all quiet. Someone offers to give her a ride home, but she knew the guy was still out there and was like no, no fucking way. All this time she's texting roomies 3&4, trying to get anyone she can. Finally around 1am roomie 3 picks up and asks where the hell she is. Apparently party roomie was already home and snoring. Roomie 3 listens to a short version of the situation and agrees to drive with roomie 4 to come get sis.

It takes them a long time, all the while the druggies in the hall are banging on the bathroom door, trying to get her to come out. Well, the next thing she knows, someone is screeching her name on the steps. Roomie 4 came in the house to get her. Sis runs out of the bathroom and clamps onto roomie 4 and doesn't let go until they get in the car. No sign of party creep, thank god.

So roomies 3&4 just drive around for a while, listening to her story and calming her down. They go home after getting some fast food and wake up party roomie, who is passed out on her bed.

Sis asks why the fuck did you leave me?

Party roomie says that she agreed to meet a guy there, but she didn't want to meet him alone so she lied to get sis along for the ride. Once she scoped the guy out and decided he was okay, she left with him to go bang at his place and then drove home. Never once apologized for lying and abandoning sis.

End result: sis and other roomies become much closer due to that night. Party roomie finds herself increasingly uncomfortable until she moves a few months later.

Sis kept an eye out for party creep for a few months afterward, but never saw him. It was really scary because he had to have been following her to know that much about her, but she had never seen him even once. It made her so uncomfortable she eventually quit that school and finished at a school closer to home. She kinda laughed telling me this story, but she was so clearly uncomfortable i could see it still really affected her. So, party creep? Stay away from my sister. She ain't your girlfriend.

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