Weird Kid At My House

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I lived a portion of my childhood on a little hobby farm in rural Canada. It was great because we had neighbors near enough that we could ride our bikes to their place but we still had a great deal of privacy. For the most part all of our neighbors were great people except for this dude that lived down the hill from us and a kid who lived a couple of kilometers away.

This kid was weird. I was quite young when he came to visit but I have two memories of strange things he did. I was between for and six and my oldest sister was between eight and nine around the time of these events. This kid was probably around ten or eleven. I can't certainly remember the actual chronological order of these events but they happened within the same summer for sure. I have very vague memories of these events but I have a clear idea of what happened.

The kid lived South-West of us on a small plot of land that was basically just a yard and a dumpy mobile home. He had told us that he lived there with just his mother but she was never home because she worked a lot. This lead to him doing literally whatever he wanted whenever he wanted and I remember him showing up to our yard randomly in the couple of months that he lived there.

One of these days he showed up with a large, rusty knife. I remember it was like a big hunting knife with a large handle and a long blade. My sisters and I asked where he got it because it was so big and we were always told not to play with sharp objects. He told us that it got stuck in his bike tire a ways down the road to the North. I remember thinking that this was odd because he lives to the South of us and yet he was riding his bike all the way on the up past our property. I pretty must chalked it up to the fact that his mom was never around so he could do whatever he wanted. One of my sisters brought up the fact that the knife was huge and dull and it was strange that it had gotten caught in his small bike tire.

We had sheep on our farm that were almost all female except for two rams. One was huge and brown and was responsible for impregnating our female sheep. This ram -we named him Rammy- was so big that we were able to ride him around the pen and he could run with us on his back. We were small for little girls, mind you, but he was tough as hell.

On the day that the kid showed up with the knife we were standing in a small cluster of trees next to the sheep pen probably so my dad wouldn't see the kid's knife. Rammy was inside the pen and I have a vivid image in my brain of him looking over at us while we talked. The kid started talking about how he was going to throw the knife at the ram and climb over the fence to stab him.

It was so obscure and the kid had this excited grin on his face while talking about it. I remember being scared for the ram. I've always been a lover of all animals and we had ridden and pet the ram on many occasions before then so I felt like this kid wanted to attack my pet.

This may seem like a stupid kid boasting but the second event is also pretty fucked up.

It was another day on which the kid showed up to our yard and this time we were standing at the end of our long driveway. He had come from the North on his bike (which didn't have popped tire and I'm almost positive this event happened after the first) and was carrying something in one of his hands.

When he showed it to my sisters and me I immediately knew that this situation was screwed up. It was a baby bird. It's feathers were ruffled and it looked hurt and sick. He was telling us about how he would feed it and stuff. But then he took his hand and shoved his fingers down its throat. I remember telling him not to do that because the bird looked panicked and afraid when he did that but he just did it again and again. Eventually he left but I still think about it from time to time.

The kid stopped showing up eventually and my dad said that he moved. I always think about how people say that killers usually start with animals and the way this kid treated animals was not right.

So yeah kid who talked about killing and abused animals, Let's Not Meet.

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