"Be Careful Where You Go Through"

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This was a true experience that happened to me about a month or so and I will never forget I still remember it as if were yesterday.

Am 15 yrs old and it was like any ordinary day. Shitty day at school studying for test all that dumb stuff a high school kid would be doing. At the end of the day I would walk my girlfriend to her house. Her house was about 5 to 6 blocks aways from my home so I didn't mind. Keep in mind I've done this many times and I didn't have any trouble walking there or walking back. Her house is a dead ended road its pretty peaceful and quiet there. I wish I could live there my nieghbour hood is full of assholes throwing parties until 2 am and fkna Bonn jheq stoneheads. Anyways I dropped her off stayed a while gave her a kiss and started walking. As I was walking home I got hungry. I only had 10 dallors and I knew a place where they sold burgers and a combo was only 6 dallors so I said screw it. There was a street that I knew would lead up to it but just never took it.

Here's a little back story of why I don't take this long ass just never ending street a few years back there had been reported 4 murders in that street and people had also been last spoted going through that street. So that street is off my list of going through. Or so I thought.

When closing up to the street I had to make a choice to take 2 more blocks ahead and then walk the same distance the other is when is pretty long like I've mentioned before and then walk back 2 blocks to get to the burger place which would take about 20-25 min or just take the street and be there like in 10-15 min. So my dumbass decided to walk through the street thinking what could happen its 2 pm what's the worst that could happen. God did take those words back after walking that street.

When walking down the street my hands strated shaking a little. Although am 15 and technically pretty old this street just never felt right so yea I was scared. As am walking into the block about a quarter in I start seeing gangbangers outside of there house just smoking. They all stare at me. At this point I start walking fast almost to the point where I would start running but I felt as if that would bring attention. I hear a car start its engine is all old and rusty bearly turning on. I thought nothing of it just maybe someone was heading out, God was I wrong. I hear it pulling out of its driveway and its slows down next to me and lowers his window. The man is around 40-50 yrs old. Creepy ass person. Then says

Him: hey kid what are you doing down these streets Me: just heading to a burger place down the street Him: what's your name I've never seen you through here

At this point I didn't know what to say. What kind of person asks for your name. So I decided to make up a name.

Me: Alex Him: well Alex let me give you a ride to the place didn't you say its down the street

What the fuck is wrong with this person does he really think am that dumb of a person to get in the car with him. I declined the offer.

Me: no thanks man I rather walk

What he said back still haunts me cause he sounded demanding and angry.

Him: get in the fkn car bitch just let me take you there and bring you to my house and there.

He said it as there was nothing wrong with it like its normal to say. I looked at him for 2 seconds then looked stright and started running. I still had a long way to go. What made it more scary was that he accelerated all the way to the end of the block as if he would wait for me in the burger shop. So I turned back and runned back to the main street. What am about to say I still have no explanation of how he thought of this but when I finally got the the main street I saw him he was looking around as if he knew I would turn back. He saw me and a U turn I went to a local gamestop near by. I went inside and stayed there. If that fucker came inside I would have to guts to scream and say that person is chasing me. But luckily he didn't I stayed there about 10 min until I finally left home.

Never again will I ever walk through that street again. I mean what if he pulled over and got me what if I never ran and kept walking what if... He had killed me in the spot. To the person in the car LETS NOT MEET.

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