Let's Have Some Fun

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This happened to me when I was 16 or 17. I am now a 23 year old, male. Just for reference this was before any of my friends or I touched alcohol or weed. We grew up in a very religious community. So we were completely sober for every day at that point in our lives.

This story involves myself and two of my male friends, Dan and Kevin. Kevin is a year older than us, because of this he was already in his first year of college. The college he went to was and is a fairly popular choice for kids from our high school to go to. It's in quite a small town, that before the college was there everyone knew each others names'. It has since grown with the influx of students and small families, but still remained a fairly quiet small town. One bar, one main street that stretched for maybe 10 miles and that was it for downtown.

Myself, Dan and Kevin were at the time in a band together, and when we weren't playing music we were riding our long boards. On the day this occurred Dan and I planned to go visit Kevin, go long boarding and take pictures for an album cover. So we pack up or boards and camera, and head out on the hour drive to the university.

We arrive with no trouble and spend the first few hours just messing around in Kevin's dorm room. We were still in high school so not the most mature of kids. I put on every shirt in my friend closet, literally about 30 and tried walking around campus with my friends laughing our asses off. You know, normal teen-ager stuff. After we were done fooling around we decided to go take pictures as the sun was finally getting low enough for that golden hour in the day for pictures.

We rode for a couple hours and we're exploring new roads, trying to find the perfect one with a nice view. We finally found it and quickly jump on our boards and got some good pictures in. At this point the sun was beginning to set so we were debating on heading back, when we saw a park in the distance so we decided to go check it out.

Best decision we had made. We were the only car there and the only people there. The park was small and deserted at this hour, but well maintained. It has smooth, winding concrete paths that we happily grabbed our boards and started riding.

After about an hour it was starting to get pretty dark, there were a couple lamps around emanating a white light that only traveled a few feet, we could not see very well and decided not to ride in the dark and risk injury. On our way back to the car we passed something that we passed on the way in. A giant concrete structure. It was circular and about 10 feet off the ground, about 40 or 50 feet wide. Our teen minds quickly took this in and decided we must conquer whatever this structure is.

We walk around it, hoping to find a hill or rock near that would make this 10 foot high wall not as daunting to climb. What we can see from a hill further back, is that the top is sealed and flat, so we continue finding a way to scale this beast.

I can't remember exactly how we managed to get on top. I know it took the three of us about 15 minute to do so. Hoisting and pushing each other to the top. Eventually we made it and all laid down, panting but feeling successful.

The view from atop this, whatever it is I don't actually know, was astounding. We could see the whole valley and with minimal lights around many stars illuminated the night sky. Our main source of light was coming from the moon, directly in front of us to the west.

After maybe 20 minutes of us laying and staring we hear a light rustle coming from down on the ground. Something was definitely moving.

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