Psycho From The Party

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Some background I am a man in my early 20s. alone in a apartment in philadelphia. One night I went to a party at my friends out on The Main Line. the main line is basically where all the rich people live. Anyway it was pretty big over 300 people, a lot just showing up by word of mouth.

I was sitting on a couch doing some pot when a woman walked up to me, we will call her Emma. Emma was around 5'10 very short haircut, looked very skinny like she was anorexic. She introduced herself to me and I responded trying to be nice even though I was very creeped out. She started telling me about all her past boyfriends and how they all hurt her so much she transitioning to become a man.

After hearing this I felt a little sympathetic but wanted to get out of the conversation. I told her how that must suck but how I have to go home since I have work the next day. Emma said I hope I see you again sometime. After that I went home and forgot about the experience by the next day. I asked my friends if they knew who she was but none of them did. The next night I was chilling in my apartment when I heard a tap on the window. I didn't think anything of it and went to take a shower. In the middle of my shower, I heard a a thump in my living room like someone fell over. I jumped out of the shower and grabbed my baseball bat and crept around the corner to see what happened.

What I saw still haunt me to this day. I saw Emma dressed in all black, holding a knife, just laying on my floor. I screamed the loudest I ever did in my life. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door and called the police. The operator said they would send an officer as soon as they could and to say locked in the bathroom. I didn't here any movement at all from the living room.

The police came within 5 mins and told me it is safe for me to come out of my bathroom. They said they needed to get her to the hospital because she is unconscious. I was baffled. A parametric came and took her away and I gave my statement to the police. It turned out she was a escaped mental patient from Ancora State medical Hospital with bipolar.

No one knows how she found out about the party or why she came. When she came into my apartment through the window, planning to stab me for ditching her at the party. When she was creeping through my apartment, she had a heart attack but ending up being alright. She is back at the mental hospital now. I still suffer from PTSD from this experience 10 years later. Emma, I hope we never ever meet again.

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