Best Friends

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First I need to tell you I have been diagnosed Aspergers Syndrome, and the reason for that is to tell you that my social skills are very bad. More often than not I don't notice signs that people are bad, before they have succeeded in hurting me, because I am generally too trusting of others, since I put them up to my own standards of being honest and loyal.

Now my social awkwardness also meant that I never really had any friends growing up, everyone thought I was too weird hanging out with, and so I had absolutely no idea how friends were supposed to act towards each other, and that might have been a huge factor in what happen.

After finishing 10th grade (I live in Scandinavia, so no high schools) I went to a creative school as a sort of a year off, before having to focus on what I wanted to do with my life.

The first day came, and as usual I was extremely nervous and therefore huddled myself up in a corner, being too shy to talk to anyone. But then suddenly a seemingly nice girl comes over and sits beside me, asking me if I'm okay.

Now I think she instantly picked me out as easy prey, but at the time I was overjoyed that someone had come and talked to me personally out of everyone.

Well we became fast friends, at least I thought we did, and she quickly convinced me to share dorms with her, and everything seemed absolutely perfect. Looking back I can see a lot of things definitely was off about her, she would go off into a rage if I dared spend time with others than her, or if I'd dare talk back because I had a different opinion than her. At the same time she completely assimilated my interests, to convince me we were a good match as friends, and buttered me up in a way so that I reasoned away all the danger signs coming from her. Every time I would question her actions she would start telling me about her horrible past, of which I am not sure half is true, since she was a pathological liar. And she would have no qualms cheating money out of me at every turn.

Well the year goes by and we go back to our homes. You would think being far away from her I would start seeing some of the signs, but somehow her influence over me only got deeper, she even got me to believe that my mother hated me, and she was the only one who cared for my well being, even though it couldn't be further from the truth.

The first time I actually rebelled when was she made me drop out of our equivalent to high school, I was living at a campus sort of thing, and she'd get angry if I even left MSN for a minute, so I got no sleep, and I didn't dare go to school because I knew it would upset her.

When I dropped out she of course refused to take any sort of responsibility and I finally got mad at her for the first time, cutting off the contact for months. In the meantime I started searching for other friends on the internet, and found some good ones, many of them I still stay in contact with to this day, but three of them, not only one, three, was actually her, stalking me everywhere I went on the internet, trying to convince me to be friends with her again in the most insidious and manipulative ways, making me feel bad for getting mad. She then suddenly tells me she is pregnant (also a lie) and convinces me to come visit her. Cue the five worst months of my life of abuse in various forms, and her putting me in a debt so deep I still get letters from that bank.

To this day I still fear my online friends secretly being her trying to ruin my life again, stalking me online, discrediting me to others. I've got anxiety and sleep problems because I have nightmares of her being right outside my door, and it will probably always influence my choices.

So supposed best friend who turned out to be a pathological liar and probably a psychopath... Let's not EVER meet again

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