Fearful Girl

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It was my last week of highschool of my senior year, this happend 3 years ago when i was 17. One day i was going to my bus stop, wich is located behind the highshool, the street of the bus stop always seemed creepy to me, but i took the bus there for 6 years and nothing ever happend t so i used to go to the stop alone, one day i was going there as usual, when i saw a man coming in my way, in order to understand the story you need to know that i am and i have always been a really fearful girl, my friends used to mock me (and they still do) of how fearfull i am.

Anyway i was walking when i saw a man coming in my direction, we were walking in the same sidewalk, he seemed creepy to me when i first saw it from a distance, he didnt looked homeless but was really messy, i got a little scared but tried to ignore it, i did not wanted to cross the street to the other sidewalk just because he looked messy, it was too rude,and besides i was about to arrive to the bus stop and he was going the opossite direction, so he was going to pass by me (thats what i thaugt)

So i kept walking, when we crossed each other he stopped, i kept walking and i saw him following me a few steps back, i thought that maybe he realised that he was going the wrong direction i dont know, i was trying my best not to get scared, when i arrived to the stop he stood there too, there i was scared but it was broad daylight, and there was plenty of people in the stop so i decided no te get scared.

A bus that wasnt mine came, an all the people that was in the stop left, so i was alone with him. He waited a few seconds and he approached me, he was a fit man he seemed to be between 35 and 40. He asked me if i had the time, when he came close to me i got really scared so when he asked me if i had the time i told him no, and in the same second i turned around and started walking back to the school. I didnt looked back, and i walked fast, when i was returning to the school i was a little guilty, i mean he was just a man who asked me the time and i basically run away, but i was not confortable alone with him.

When i arrived to the school i saw a few friends and told them what i had done, and whe laugh at the fact that i ran from a guy who just wanted to know the time. I stayed whit my friend for 30 or 45 min, and decided it was safe to go to the stop. When i went out of the highschool i saw the man standing in the sidewalk looking at the high school door, i couldnt believe my eyes , i froze there and he was just staring at me, he was standing under the sun in one of the most hot december days, just starring at me. I went back inside i told my friends, they went with me to the main entrance and they saw him too they couldnt believe how he wast just starring at me.

The main entrance of the school is located in a huge sidewalk, so i was standing in the door, and he was 20 meters away, whe stayed there with my two friends waiting for him to leave for about 20 minutes, he not only didnt leave, he was still staring at me. The door man of the school is the one you go to if you have a problem like that , we waited for the door man in the entrance of the school but he didnt showed up, so i went and told the receptionist wat was going on<br> She went with me and my friends to the door and when the man saw her he inmediatly began walking and crossed the street.

He stood there across the street looking at me, the receptionist told me to wait for the door man and she left.< But the freaking door man didnt arrived and we waited a bit more, and he was there, with his eyes locked on me. A few minutes later a few male friend appeared and i told them what was going on, they stayed with me for a few minutes and saw him standind there, frozen staring at me.

They wanted to face him and tell him to go away but i was too scared so i didnt let them. We stood there for maybe half hour more and finally the man left, he walked looking at me until i couldnt see him anymore, but he went in the direction of the bus stop, so my friends went with me to another stop. The other day i told a few teachers and they made me talk to the principal, he made me speak with another man who aparently was hired for the kids safety, he told he was an old cop, i had to tell the "cop" all the story and he made me a lot of questions, i was a little ashamed because the man didnt actually do anything bad to me, i mean he was creepy as hell but he didnt do anything. I wasnt that scared of the creepy man until the cop started asking me what i was wearing, i how i was wearing my hair , i was wearing the catholic school uniform the skirt and the white shirt.

When i told the man description he told me that they had seen him around for the last month going around the highschool in the exit time. He asked me to not go alone to the stop in the following days, and told me to contact him inmediatly if i saw it again.

Im going to be 100% honest, maybe i was too naive, but i didnt think he was going to do anything but stealing my phone or my money, it wasnt until later that i realised the hole situation i might had escaped from. I dont know what would had happend, i never saw him again.

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