Flashlight Guy

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I live in a small city and nothing much exciting happens here. Especially in my neighborhood, it's pretty rare to even see a car pass by after 10 PM.

Im a 21 year old male and I spend most of my nights playing video games or reading when I'm home. I rent a two bedroom apartment under my parents house with my sister and 3 year old nephew. She doesn't stay home most nights and my dad works two hours away from home so im alone from 8 pm to 6 am generally.

The first time I saw Flashlight Guy was about a month and a half ago. As I said the neighborhood I live in pretty much shuts down by 10 so it seemed odd in the first place when I went out to smoke and noticed a man dressed in all black with his hood pulled up walking down the street, but I brushed it off. My streets really dark and my house is the last one on this end. From my house to the end of the street and around the next corner, you have to walk about the distance of a football field.

I brushed off seeing Flashlight Guy and walked back inside. I went back into my room and started to read the newest Dean Koontz book I had just picked up at the library. It was only about 15 minutes after I had went back inside that I saw a flashlight beam sweep through my windows -one whole wall of my room is all windows-.

At this point I was pretty unnerved so I put down my book and went to peak outside to see what was going on. When I looked out my window I didn't see anything, so I chalked it up to me being a sketch and sat back down to read. It wasn't long after that when it happened again.

At this point I knew something weird was going on and I had a really bad feeling in my stomach. I wanted to just ignore it but I urged myself to be a man and look back out the window.

Looking outside, I noticed the guy from earlier standing about 15 feet away and shining his flashlight directly in front of him. He wasn't even moving. I sat there for a couple of minutes wondering what the hell he was doing, until he swept his flashlight across the whole downstairs of my house again.

Like I said before, nobody was at home and my car was in the garage so because the whole house was dark and there were no cars outside, I'm sure it didn't take much for somebody to figure I was the only one there.

I was really creeped out and I wasn't sure of what to do so I went up the stairs and through the door that separates my apartment from my dads and went to his room loaded the shotgun.

When I got back downstairs and looked out the window, the guy was gone. I was pretty creeped out and stayed up all night checking every ten minutes to see if he had come back.

So it's been about a month and a half, like I said. Since that time this has happened twice about once every couple of weeks and he always does the same thing; sweeps his light through and then just stands there like a creep. I've gotten to where I always sleep with my dads shotgun next to my bed.

My dad only says it's weird and tells me to stay inside when I see him and to call the police if I feel threatened. Anybody that does that type of thing obviously doesn't have the best intentions, so I understandably do feel a little threatened more and more every time it has happened.

Fast forward to two days ago. Once again I'm home alone. My microwave broke so I've been making it a habit to go upstairs and use the kitchen whenever I'm by myself. I forgot to mention that the only door out of our apartment besides going through the garage is in my room, that's important.

I made my food and went back downstairs. When I got into my room it was freezing cold. I live in Vermont so this time of year I always leave my door shut and locked and put a towel under it. I use the garage to go in and out of the house because as soon as i open my door all the heat goes out of my room.

I set my food down and checked to see if my heater was on high enough. I keep the heat cranked all winter because my room is the coldest in the entire house. When I looked at my thermostat it was shut off. I turned it back up and was really freaked out because I had just turned it up about an hour ago and like I said it's never off because of how cold my room is. I felt a breeze on my back and turned around to find my door open partway. I shut it and locked the deadbolt real quick, but not before I peeked outside and sure enough saw Flashlight Guy's light go out as he turns the corner at the end of my road.

The next day I told one of my neighbors about what happened and they told me that just a couple weeks ago some woman that lives in the neighborhood was alone watching a movie with her daughter when somebody broke in. I guess they heard him come through the door and locked themselves in their bathroom, called the cops, and waited for them to get there. The guy must have taken off when he heard sirens because when the police got there the backdoor was wide open and nobody was in the house.

I don't know who this guy is or what the hell he went into my room for, but at this point as you could imagine, I'm really on edge about it. Since the other night nothing more has happened but I'll update if it does. I've been keeping a light on outside and a couple throughout the house at night now so it doesn't look like I'm the only one here at night from now on. I'm hoping this will be the last time that I see Flashlight Guy.

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