"Let Me In"

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So this happened to me when I was 13 and I was home alone with my little sister, who was 6 at the time. I was used to being home alone, as my mother usually worked at evening shifts at her job.

So I was just upstairs in my room, in my computer just doing random stuff, like talking with my friends, while my little sister was downstairs watching her cartoons.

Suddenly my sister came upstairs and walked over to me. She pulled at my sleeve trying to pull me downstairs. I wasn't that confused, as she usually wanted me to play with her downstairs, but I still decided to ask her what she wanted.

"What is it sis?"

She smiled up at me, and the next words she said will forever be stuck in my mind.

"There's a man downstairs, and he wants to come inside.

I felt my heart stop and I quickly told her to stay in my room. She looked confused, but nonetheless she nodded, and went to sit on my bed. I used that chance to go downstairs. And right there, looking at me through the window was some creepy man, who waved at me.

"Hey let me in. I came to check on your electricity."

My mother always told me to never let strangers into our house when somebody was away, and I wasn't about to go against her wishes, especially when there was this creepy guy. He was wearing something that men like that would wear, but when I looked outside I saw that he had a van, a simple black van and not what they should be driving with.

I glared at the man and took out my phone, just in case.

"I won't let you in. Go away or I will call the police."

I was sure that he would leave at that point, but he didn't. He just stood there and smiled at me. That smile seemed so wrong in my young mind and to this day it does.

"Just let me in. I want to help, beautiful."

Which worker calls a little child beautiful. I knew that there was something horribly wrong. I stepped away from the door. I was so glad at that moment that we had a double lock, Now I felt a bit safer. But I was still terrified.

"No. Go away!"

He started to become irritated and he just started banging on my door. I was terrified of my life at that point, and not only mine, but also my sister's. Speaking of her, because of the banging she came downstairs.

I screamed at her to go back to our room, and hide, and I could see the fear in her eyes. But again she listened to me and ran and went into my room.

Now our neighbours are drunkards, and our other neighbour was also at work around that time. I knew that cause me and my little sister usually spent some time around there, as the lady living there was always very nice to us.

Every moment the banging got louder and then when he started screaming on what he was going to do to me and my sister. Brought something back onto me. I took out my phone and called the police. I screamed at the man that I was calling the police.

The man's banging seemed to slow down a bit at that point, but it still didn't stop. Once the operator picked up. I started to quickly explain my situation, while at the urge of tears.

They told me that they would be there in 10 minutes. I nodded and the man seemed to understand his situation and I heard his footsteps fade away. I looked outside my window and saw him speed away. I breathed in relief and went over to my sister.

She was crying upstairs and when she saw me. She hugged me tightly. I wiped her tears away and hugged her back. I took her hand and brought her downstairs with me, after I told her that everything was safe.

The police arrived a few minutes later, and I explained everything to them. And told them how the guy looked like. They asked me for my mother's number. I took my phone and dialed it. They talked with her.

And she also arrived after fifteen minutes. She hugged me and my sister tightly. She thanked the police and they left. My mother started to cry while she continued to hug us tightly.

I could see how worried she looked. But she praised me and my little sister for being so smart, and she took a few days off work to spend some time with us, and I felt glad that she let herself relax.

That experience was definitely the most terrifying experience I have ever had. And I am glad I came out unharmed. I can only quess what that freaking creepy man wanted, and atleast me and my little sister got out of that experience fine.

I am glad we haven't had to meet again, creepy so called Company worker.

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