Scary Cable Repairman

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First time poster, forgive any errors. I just recently heard of LNM, and I am so happy there's a place to tell our stories! I'm not sure if I'm in the norm or not, but many scary, weird things have happened to me, this is just the most recent of them.

Let me start with, I was diagnosed with Agoraphobia about 3 years prior to this story, so while this may not seem very scary to many people it was for me, and yes I do take medication for my panic attacks for when I must leave the house or someone unknown needs to come, I did take my pill. Often before the onset of an attack, the back of my neck becomes really hot, you can feel the heat coming off of it way before contacting skin. ( This is relative to the story)

It was the beginning of another Texas summer heatwave many years ago, when we started having several issues with our cable service. I called and arranged for a repair person to come to the house again.. we had had 3-4 previous people out to try to fix our issues, but those fixes never really remained fixed.

So the day arrives the repair person is supposed to show up, I'm a bit anxious as always when expecting someone, but my college aged son was home sleeping and I felt pretty ok.

So the dogs start barking and I know the repair person has arrived and I go to the front door and look out the small window in the door and see the white van with the cable company's name, and wait at the door for them to approach, which takes about 10 minutes or so, I figured he was on the phone or doing some paperwork for this job etc. He comes to the door and knocks, I open the front door and he holds up his company ID and tells me his name, it matches and I unlock the screen door and let him in. I show him the 3 rooms that are having issues (which does not include my sons room) and he seems friendly and makes small talk as I finally lead him around to the back family room and ask him to wait there so I can put the dogs outside, he does and I tell him it's ok, but he doesn't enter and I finally go to the front of the house to see if he had heard me, and as I turn the corner out of the kitchen he sees me and starts to kinda smile shyly a little bit, and I'm thinking to myself "erm, ok maybe he was like snooping in the bookshelves or something". At this point I'm not really scared, just thinking hes a bit kooky. But I do notice that the foyer window blinds are swaying a bit, but we have cats so it didnt really catch my full attention.

So I point to the kitchen and this time follow behind him to the family room and he checks out the outlet and says he needs to grab another bag from his van and heads to the front of the house and out the front door. I clean a couple of dishes and load them in the dishwasher while waiting. He returns with a brown leather bag very much like a old "Doctor's bag" and starts working on the outlet in the living room right off the front side of the kitchen and I move into the family room and straighten up a little, as a recliner and coffee table had to be moved at angles so he could reach the cable outlet.

I wasn't in there maybe 2 mins when he sauntered into the family room with his brown bag, it was like a switch had gone off, his demeanor was very different he seemed, well no other way to say it other than "very proud of himself". I quirked an eyebrow and asked if he had already finished in the living room, and office he smiled very big and nodded saying " Im quick like that...when I want to be". As he is speaking he is walking directly and purposely straight at me, I was trying to back up out of his way, but the coffee table was behind me, so I just kinda of slid into the recliner before he walked into me. He grinned, again no other word comes to mind than wickedly, he sets his unopened bag on the coffee table which kinda pissed me off but I was getting more nervous now and starting to feel really warm.

Let's Not Meet Againजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें