"Daddy, Dennis Is Here..."

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I have worked for a family as a babysitter for 2.5 years now. They are practically family to me and I adore the kids. The parents (B and C) have three kids, a 9 year old daughter (E) and two twin three year old boys. Ever since I began working for them the mom, B, would always make sure to remind me to lock the front and back door to the house. (They also had 2-3 locks on each door.) I just thought she was extra cautious, which she is, but I figured maybe she just felt like I would forget.

I didn't let it hurt my feelings or anything but I always wondered why she was always so adamant on me locking the doors right after they left. SO I babysit for them for 2.5 years now and a few months ago the mom started to tell me some of the odd things her neighbor Dennis does. I don't remember how it came up, but she told me about how he will sneak up on her outside at night when she is bringing the trash inside. She also has caught him late t night just staring into their house from his side window. (Both houses have a large window facing each other so its fairly easy to see into each others houses.)

Anyways, odd stuff like this happened and she just wondered if maybe he was awkward or something was wrong with him. But then, a little while after she noticed these things she noticed he always seemed to be very interested on the kids, especially the twin boys. He always seemed to only act weird to B when the dad, C, was at work. (He is a firefighter so he is gone at weird hours all the time.) So finally one night B and the three kids are sitting in their dining room eating dinner when Dennis knocks on the back door which is maybe 10ft away from where they eat. Before B can do anything he walks right in and sits down at their table. He is acting strange and starts rambling about being molested as a child. B sends the daughter upstairs asking if she has homework to do, and once she got upstairs she ripped Dennis a new one. She demanded he leave and sure enough he left. So B is telling me this all happened recently enough. I guess he also confessed to entering their house when they were away during the summer with an extra key he had from the previous owners.

So they change and add a bunch of locks. They thought this was the end of the weird stuff, but then even more comes out. This Dennis happened to coach the daughter E and his own two daughters soccer team. B didn't know at the time but whenever he would give E a ride to practice (before they knew he was weird) he would make her sit in the middle front seat of the truck so he always had to brush against her when he changed gears. B told me all of this and it made me sick to think this guy was most likely a pedophile with sociopathic tendencies. He got fired from coaching kids soccer for "sexual misconduct."

SO ever since then I have been super vigilant of the comings and going from their house. There have been a few times that I have seen Dennis and his wife walking along he fence that separates the yards, just looking into the people I babysits property. Its beyond weird.

The last two things that have happened was when E was in the backyard playing soccer by herself and Dennis snuck up into their yard and stood in between her and her house. He asked to play with her(just her, even though he has his own daughters.) So E made an excuse that she had to ask her mom. When she told her mom and step dad what happened they went out and confronted Dennis, saying he was creepy and to stay off their property or they will call the police. The dad, C, said that it seemed as though he was high on opiates. (He said he has seen enough with his job to tell the signs.)

So Dennis seems to move on but the next morning C is sleeping on the couch in their front window by the porch and letting the two boys play before he brings them to daycare and leaves for work. He is woken up by one of the boys saying, "Daddy, Dennis is here." and sure enough, Dennis was on their porch looking into their front window, watching them playing and C sleeping. C freaked out and yelled at him and they called the police (again) to make a report. They don't have enough to get Dennis arrested or anything, but the police know all about. what has happened and they make sure to drive by and pull into the driveway now and again to kind of make sure Dennis knows they they know he is a creep.

I have told the family that I would totally go to jail for whooping Dennis' ass if he ever tried to come in or talk to the kids when I was there. B even told me that if I am there with them and he tries to come in or even comes onto their property to call the police right away.

I honestly want them to get a restraining order so he has to move does it work like that?) because he just got fired from a janitorial position in a high school for sexual misconduct/harassment with a student.

I know he hasn't done anything physically to this family I love and care about but he has been psychologically tormenting them since they moved in 3 years ago. It seems they are finally documenting things he does, so that is good. I truly hope that nothing weird is going on in his own home with his two daughters, though. Even though the whole family is odd and extremely rude to the family I babysit for, I really just feel sorry for his daughters. What a household to grow up in..

I really don't want to go to jail to stabbing this guy if he ever tries to do anything weird to these kids when they are in my care, so Dennis- lets not meet.

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