He Had Plans For My Five-Year-Old Brother

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I've lurked on this subreddit for a while, so I figured it was time to post a little story of mine on here.

Some background information: I'm a cute little short girl, about 5'3. Adorable. However, I took martial arts classes for several years and am (thankfully) stronger than I appear. I can/will kick your ass if need be. I also tend to get very protective around my friends and family, so God help you if you hurt them.

This happened at an amazing music festival in the summer. Relatively obscure, but still cool as fuck. During the day it is pretty friendly, but it's late on the last night when you need to watch out.

I was in a circus tent with my little sister (Laurel) and very little brother (Xander) watching a show, with my dad and stepmum at the back of the tent. We had sneaked to the front to get as close to the performers as possible.

Now, this place was starting to stink of sweat and weed. Lotsa weed. The show was coming to a close, so it wouldn't have been that long before we were out of there. It was becoming 400% not a family environment.

Now, I was sitting a few feet away from my sister and brother, leaning against a pillar. They were right at the front, squished together by the crowds (this is important).

Starting to think about leaving, I turn to check on my siblings... and freeze.

There's a man standing behind my five year old brother.

He's obviously out of his mind on drugs - pupils blown out so his irises were nearly all black, droopy lids, vacant face, staggering walk.

That would have been bad enough, but guess the fuck what? He's got his nasty little dick out.

And he's touching Xander.

At this point I'm mostly frozen with shock, watching as this fucker runs his hand over my little brother's arm. My sister - who is ten and was utterly terrified - is holding down my scared-shitless brother as the man asks his name.

And tells him to come with him.

The poor kid, thinking that he had to do what the grown-up said, starts to get up. Thank god for Laurel, because she sits his ass back down while trying not to scream.

I'm up at this point, stepping over people to get to them. I swear to God seeing red is an actual thing, because everything seemed like blood and my vision had narrowed until all I could see was this dirty ballsack touching my little brother. Shouting "HEY" at him, I reached them and was literally drawing my fist back to beat the manhood (or lack thereof) out of this dude -

When my stepmum arrives and sends the paedophile scooting home with his tiny dick tucked between his legs.

Anticlimatic, right? I thought so too, and for the rest of the night I wouldn't let Xander out of my fucking sight. The most important thing was that he was safe, but this small, gnarled part of me was just daring the fucker to come back and have a go.

I won't lie and say that I wasn't itching to kick his head in.

So, Xander - I love you, kid. Laurel - you rock. Stepmum - you're a superhero. Self - chill, dude, but if necessary kick ass.

Paedophile - for your sake, let's not meet.

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