Subway Guy

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This happened this past weekend when I was going to get my cousin at the train station. For reference, I'm a 25 year old male, tall, somewhat athletic, but still a bit nerdy looking.

I was sitting on the subway, and a guy about my age asked if he could sit down. I obliged, thinking nothing of it. He immediately asked me my name to which I replied, he gave his.

This wasn't exceptionally odd save for the fact I had no interest in talking to this guy and to be quite blunt, could've given less than a fuck about him.

The first thing I noticed was that he immediately oriented himself toward me, thus blocking any movement on my part.

Then he goes, "So, do you do porn?"


"Oh, I was just wondering. Where are you going?"

"Picking up a 'friend' ". I certainly wasn't going to tell him that I was picking up a family member.

"Oh cool, maybe I'll follow you there and meet them all."

"No, because if you try I'll knock you're fucking teeth in."

He shifted his position and goes, "So where do you live?"

"Oh, about an hour outside the city." (Complete bs.)

"Cool, where do you go to school, I'd like to visit."

"No, because that's extremely fucking weird. Now fuck off."

He didn't, but luckily my stop came up, he got up and bolted. I took my sweet ass time to make sure he had noped the fuck out.

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