I Don't Even Know What To Call This But It Literally Just Happened

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I'm a college-age male, in my first semester of freshman year at a state university. Less than half an hour ago, I was coming back from breakfast, when another student who I've never met before started following me, maybe twenty-five, thirty feet behind me. Far enough away as not to be in my general vicinity, so I thought nothing of it. I get to the entrance doors of my dorm and swipe my keycard - the dorms are protected by a scanner - allowing me to access the building.

As a quick disclaimer, my back has been bothering me the last week or so. I could barely get the door open for me to get through without a spike of pain shooting up my spine. Only reason I was up-and-at-'em today was because a midterm was due. I would have held the door for the guy, but it hurt to even hold it open, and he was quite a ways away and was unlikely to speed up, so I didn't want to be in pain for that long. Dick move, I know, and evidently he thought so too, because as I let it shut behind me, I could see in the window on to my right his reflection, his head lurching forward and eyes widening in a 'really? you really just did that? you asshole' kind of look. I sighed and got ready to apologize as he came in behind me, still moving down the hall because I needed to get back to my room to pack for class.

He came in and didn't say a word, at which I thought 'fair enough', but I did notice that he was picking up his pace. The way the entry hallway of our building is set up, there's the entry doors at either side which feed into the lobby, where there's doors on the left to the RA's office, the right to the dorm lounge, and the stairs straight ahead. I head toward the stairs straight ahead, expecting to hear the door to the lounge being perhaps somewhat-angrily jerked open, but nope, these faster footsteps are coming with me up the stairs.

I was at the landing halfway up the stairs - I live on the 2nd floor - when he got to the stairs. I saw that he was skipping 2 or 3 stairs at a time, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw he was looking at me. Glaring, even. I decided to pick up my pace a little. As I got to the top of the stairs and made a left to get to the door to my hall, he, almost at the top of the stairs, said in a rather confrontational tone: "Hey, pal, wanna talk for a minute?"

Between the embarrassment, the aggression to his movements and anger in his voice, and the pain in my back slowing me down to more of a speed-limp than anything, I quickly muttered a "sorry" and made sure to get on the other side of that door as soon as possible. He wasn't taking it, though, as when I began to speedwalk down my hall, the pain be damned, back to my room, I heard that door SLAM open behind me; it was one of those ones that had the press-bar to open, and I could tell he'd angrily shoved it. I basically went to a full run, and heard him shout, "Hey bro, come back, I just wanna teach you some manners!"

Thank fuck I'd had that head start on him, because I managed to get to my room, unlock the door, get in, and slam it JUST as he got to it. I re-locked the door and held my weight against it just to be safe as he pounded on it with his fists and yelled, "C'mon man, I just wanna teach you some manners you fat fucking prick! I thought we were bros, man! What, you just gonna fucking hide in there?"

Our hallway was used to people being rowdy and obnoxious and loud at all hours, because I guess that's who they let into Honors these days, not to mention most of them were at class anyway, so nobody came into the hall to call this guy on his bullshit. I threatened to call campus PD or the RAs to haul this guy away, and I think he got the message, because I can't hear him out there anymore, nor can I see him through the peephole.

What concerns me is that he lives in our dorm, because our security keycards only work on the building we live in. And he knows where my room is.

So, fragile-masculinity guy who got peeved that I didn't hold the door...Let's not meet again. Please.

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