Looking For Fast Love (Frerard)

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Looking For Fast Love by ladyfoxxx

Posted on AO3 (I'm pretty sure I also saw it on LiveJournal)

Pairing: Frerard

Rating: Explicit

Chapters: 1

Word Count: 5,164

Summary: Basement Gerard looking for a bathroom hookup.


Here is another one of my favorite smutty oneshots from AO3, I have a shit ton of them actually, but I am trying to space out how many I post in this reclist.

The summary pretty much says it all, Gerard is lonely, and wants to get laid, so he goes into a bathroom at a park that is a hookup spot for gay men, he meets Frank, and then sexy handjobs happen.

I love the writing, and they way you can literally feel how desperate Gerard is, not to mention the ending makes me smiley.

This is is one of those stories that I have read numerous times and I never get tired of it.

Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/168085?view_adult=true

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