In Repair (Frerard)

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In Repair by autoschediastic

Posted on AO3

Pairing: Frerard

Other Characters: Ray Toro, Mikey Way, Pete Wentz

Rating: Explicit

Chapters: 1

Word Count: 33,268

Summary: "Shit," Frank mutters, and shoves both hands through his hair. He looks around the kitchen like he's gonna find what he should do scratched into the old linoleum, then looks back at the bot. He gnaws on his lip. Fuck it. He already knows what he's gonna do. He's just gotta do it.

Getting down on his knees, he braces a hand on the edge of the crate and leans over the bot. It's dressed in a plain white tee and matching drawstring pants like an escaped mental patient. Frank rolls his neck and cracks his knuckles, shaking the ache out of them before carefully laying his palm against its cheek. He's pretty sure his voice is steady when he says, "Activate."

Nothing happens. Fucking shitty packaging-- the thing's busted. But Frank keeps his hand where it is, jumping a little when he feels the surge of energy beneath it. The robot's skin goes from room temperature to lukewarm, then warm. Frank watches it open its eyes, the light behind them adjusting until they're a pale sort of brown. It looks at him and asks, "Am I dead?"


So I saw this fic on Kat's rec list and they said it had some hot robot porn so I was all "I haven't read any of that yet I'll give it a go" which ended with me staying up way too late once again because I couldn't put this down until I finished it.

This story is so much more than just sex though. I pretty much went into it expecting pure smut so I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was actually a detailed fic.

Basically the plot is sort of simple with the whole "robot starts developing human emotion" thing, but it is so well done.

I could imagine the characters exact mannerisms in my head, especially Gerard's, and he's so adorable and awkward yet somehow still hot all at the same time.

This is a new favorite so if you haven't read it yet you totally should.


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