I'm Dreaming, You're Bleeding; Depleting. (Matty/George)

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I'm Dreaming, You're Bleeding; Depleting. by Syntheticpalindromes

Posted on AO3 (you have to have an account to read it though, it is restricted to guests)

Pairings: Matty Healy/George Daniel, Matty Healy/Adam Hann, Matty Healy/Ross Macdonald, Matty Healy/John Waugh, Matty Healy/Nick Grimshaw

Rating: Explicit

Chapters: 5

Word Count: 14,770

Summary: 5 times Matty Healy has slept or messed around with someone that isn't George Daniel.

Something George is not entirely pleased to find out.

Especially when the people Matty has been having it off with are his own band mates.


Basically all I have been reading lately is Matty/George fanfic, so here is another of my absolute favorites that probably no one who reads this list will care about.

I really love this fic because it is decently short, but still long enough that I wasn't left wanting more.

It follows Matty throughout the years and his many hookups, which somehow George doesn't know about even though everyone else does.

When George finally catches on to the fact that Matty has messed around with all of their friends besides him, George gets very jealous, even though he swears he isn't.

This gets an A+ for smut, and fluff, and for being an all around wonderful read.

Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/3310244/chapters/7231556

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