i think you think too much of me (Matty/George)

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i think you think too much of me by babyspiders

Posted on Wattpad

Pairing: Matty Healy/George Daniel

Other Characters: Gemma James, Amber Bain, Marika Hackman, Ross Macdonald, John Waugh, Adam Hann

Rating: Mature

Chapters: 10

Word Count: 136,958

Summary: This isn't love. This is just sex. This is just attention. Matty tells himself that's just what he needs. Just moments in which he can forget, in which the world blurs out and he doesn't have to focus on everything so very wrong with both his mind and his body. It's like getting drunk without the hangover, in his mind it's the perfect solution to the boy who could never love him back. He's just not quite sure whether that boy is just George, or himself too. No kind of high, physical or emotional, could possibly take all his problems away, but he's content enough with those moments, even if he always loses much more of himself than just the worst kind of thoughts.   

[Genderfluid Matty] 
[Warnings for mentions/refrences to drug abuse, manipulative relationships, dysphoria, drunk sex, dubious consent, and very bad self care] [Those things don't relate to matty and george's relationship btw]


I know I have so many of Kier's fics on this reclist but this is honestly probably my favorite story they have ever written it was so lovely I can't even describe how much I adored this.

Genderfluid Matty is already a blessing to this world but it was all just really well done this fic is a solid 10/10 I cant point out any fault in it.

Matty is so lovely and confused and George is a literal angel and just fuck I am too tired to give a proper summary but you all know by now that everything Kier writes is fantastic and trust me when I say this is the best of their works by far.

Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/84093379-i-think-you-think-too-much-of-me-matty-healy

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