Butter With You (Tomlinshaw)

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Butter With You by driveinbingo

Posted on AO3

Rating: Mature

Pairings: Tomlinshaw, Narry

Other Characters: Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Daisy Lowe, Aimee Phillips

Chapters: 1

Word Count: 26,502

Summary: "You've got egg on your face", says Louis.

Nick isn't quite following. "What?"

Louis rolls his eyes. "You've got egg on your cheek. Looks stupid."

Nick could be inside with a cup of tea and a scone right now. Nick had thought – perhaps naively - that they were past all this now. That they could go back to behaving like adults.

"Right, I'm not gonna do th –", is all he gets out before Louis practically launches himself at Nick, mouth first.

Or, the Tomlinshaw GBBO AU nobody asked for.


So I found this while looking for a Larry Great British Bake Off AU that I had heard a lot about and I decided to give it a go.

I don't know why I like the idea of Louis and Nick together but it's probably because they're both so snarky and silly and this fic portrayed them both perfectly in my opinion.

Nick and Louis meet through the show since they're both contestants and Nick hates Louis at first but he's forced to be around him. He's also friends with Harry and Zayn who are close to Louis so he has to try and deal with him even though he drives him up the wall.

I won't say too much else in case I spoil it but this was wonderful. It had a bit of smut and soft moments as well as lots of hilarious banter.

This was a lovely read it had me giggling at times and there wasn't too much drama or any heavy topics so it was just a nice light story that I really enjoyed.

Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/3366992

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