I Think I Like It (Frerard)

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I Think I Like It by canadianhannah

Posted on AO3

Pairings: Frerard, Gerbert, Frikey (sort of)

Rating: Explict

Chapters: 69

Word Count: 266,298

Summary: The story of how Frank Iero totally doesn't love his English teacher, Mr. Way, and how that English teacher may or may not totally not love him back.


I have such mixed feelings about this fic, but I haven't updated this list in forever, so I am going to add it, even though I had some problems with it, but overall it was a pretty good story.

So this is obviously a teacher/student AU, and it started out how most of them do, with Frank randomly deciding he likes Gerard and Gerard being super inappropriate while presiding over Frank's detention.

I was on the fence about it at first, but I liked the author's writing style, so I kept with it, and it did get better. I loved the mix of adorable moments, and humor, and sadness, and sex.

My main problem with the fic was how quickly Frank and Gerard would get upset with each other. One second they would be happily in love, and then Gerard would do or say something and Frank would blow up at him, or vice versa, and yes - Gerard had a lot of emotional problems. Still, it was borderline unrealistic, but besides that, it had a good plot filled with some great smut.

Also, there is some triggers in this, including self harm, alcohol abuse, and rape, so be careful reading it.

But in the end, I really did enjoy this fic, and the ending was amazing, at least in my opinion, so it is definitely worth a read.

Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/3549968/chapters/7816622

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