nowhere better than this place (Gryles)

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nowhere better than this place by waspabi

Posted on AO3

Pairing: Gryles

Other Characters: Niall Horan, Aimee Phillips, Gemma Styles, Anne Cox, Collette Cooper

Rating: Explicit

Chapters: 1

Word Count: 29,417

Summary: "Oh my god. It's like a romantic comedy. I could cry. Does he have a love of big hats and roping cattle? Is it like Brokeback Mountain? Have you done naughty things in tents?"

A romcom AU in which beleaguered urban fashion plate Nick spends the month of April knee-deep in mud, Harry is a couture country shepherd, and all farmers, inexplicably, wear cowboy boots.


I never knew I needed a Gryles cowboy AU in my life until I read this.

Basically Nick lives in London and he works in the fashion industry but he has to go out to the country for a few weeks to visit his aunt. He hates it at first until he meets Harry then he ends up wishing he never had to leave.

I absolutely adored this fic, like I tore through it in a few hours because I couldn't put it down.

Harry and Nick were both written so well and I completely loved their characters. It was also relatively drama free and it was mostly just a very heartwarming read which was nice. The ending was wonderful it had me grinning like an idiot once I'd finished it.

I'm still waiting for the day when a fellow Gryles lover finds this reclist but until then this is mostly self indulgent since no one seems to read this anymore and that's okay.


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