Something Great Series (Gryles)

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Something Great Series by zeldamonkey
Part 1: Better Off Together Here Tonight
Part 2: Come into your world and get it right

Posted on AO3

Pairings: Caroline Flack/Harry Styles (part 1 only), Caroline Flack/Harry Styles/Nick Grimshaw (part 1 only), Gryles

Rating: Explicit

Chapters: 1 (in both parts)

Word Count
Part 1: 12,461
Part 2: 6,470

Part 1: The first time Caroline asks him if he's fantasised about having sex with another guy, she has to take her mouth off his cock to  do it, so Harry doesn't think it's entirely his fault if he blurts out the truth instead of a careful lie.

or: the one where Caroline likes to get Harry to try new things.
Part 2: The night after.


I have been wanting to read more Gryles lately but I haven't been up for much. Luckily I stumbled across these oneshots which were the perfect length for me to manage and they were also incredible.

It starts out with Harry and Caroline who are currently dating. Caroline wants to know if Harry is into men too and he says he thinks so but he's never had the chance to find out. So Caroline decided to invite Nick over for a threesome not realizing how much the two of them would instantly click.

I adore how the author wrote both Harry and Nick, it truly felt like how they would react in the situations they were put in and it really helped me get into the story. Their banter was spot on and the sex was hot and soft all at once. I really can't find any fault with either of these honestly.

There is also an underage warning since Harry is seventeen at the time this all occurs but the age of consent in London is sixteen so it didn't bother me at all. Still I thought I'd mention it in case any of you are planning on reading it.

Part 1:
Part 2:

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