Call Me Zero (Frerard)

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Call Me Zero by chubbypinkgee

Posted on Wattpad

Pairing: Frerard

Rating: Mature

Chapters: 33

Word Count: 77,794

Summary: Frank is just an ordinary person, with an ordinary job, when one day everything changes. A flaming metal object falls from the sky, crashes right in his backyard, and what was inside it would change his life forever.


This book has been sitting in my library for a little while, but I didn't start it until last night, mostly because I noticed that it was being updated a hell of a lot, which typically means that the chapters are short, and that sort of puts me off to a story.

But after hearing a lot of good things about it, I decided to check it out, and holy fuck - I am so glad that I did. I also found that my earlier hypothesis was very wrong and the chapters are a good length.

This fic is now one of my all time favorites, I literally devoured it.

Zero is the cutest character, and I don't think I have ever 'awwed' so much in my life while reading anything.

A lot of you probably already know what it is about, but basically Zero (Gerard) is an alien, and they are such a little shit, but in a super adorable way.

Frank doesn't know why he decided that harboring an extraterrestrial in his house was a good idea, but he is automatically super protective of Zero from the start, even when they basically fuck up his entire life with their constant need for attention.

It has just the right amount of fluff, humor, smut, and drama. Their relationship builds up perfectly too - hell, this whole story is perfect, so you should stop listening to me ramble about it and just go read it.

The ending was wonderful as well as super emotional, and if I hadn't finished it at work, I think I might have legit cried - I did choke up quite a bit which thankfully I managed to hide from my coworker sitting next to me on my break.

Idk how the author managed to complete such a good fic so quickly, but I am giving them serious kudos, and I am excited to see what they come up with in the future.

There is also a prologue and an epilogue posted on their page, which you should read after the main story. They mentioned maybe making a sequel as well, but nothing is up yet.

As for triggers, there is a few slight ones, nothing too graphic or extreme, but the author labels them all beforehand, so they are easy to skip over if you need to.


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