Safe House (Frerard)

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Safe House by KaceyLondon

Posted on AO3

Pairing: Frerard

Rating: Mature

Chapters: 13

Word Count: 49,286

Summary: If you're in a situation where you've gotta make a run for it, you better make sure your shoes are tied.


Kristine recommended this fic to me a while ago, and I finally got around to reading it, so in typical me fashion, I spent half my day finishing this instead of being productive.

So in this story Frank is a high school student with a shitty life and an abusive father, until one day Gerard saves him from some bullies and becomes his only friend. They end up falling in love with each other of course, but Gerard is twenty-one while Frank is only seventeen, so he does his best to ignore their mutual feelings for each other.

I won't spoil any more of the plot, but it is a great read, and I really loved it. The length is perfect, not too long and not too short, and Gerard is so freaking sweet to Frank.

It basically made me all around happy, and it is definitely worth checking out.


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