(Mama) (Frerard)

979 28 14

(Mama) by jatty

Posted on AO3

Pairing: Frerard

Other Characters: Mikey Way, Jamia Nestor

Rating: Mature

Chapters: 84

Word Count: 351,832

Summary: "She's not crazy, she's just sick." That's always been Frank's argument whenever his mother's behavior is brought into question. Whether she's yelling or hitting, or ignoring him altogether, Frank knows it's not his fault--she's just sick. She's not crazy.

Gerard doesn't see it that way. Working as the loss prevention manager for the local Spend N Save dollar store, Gerard has seen his share of crazies and hoodlums. So when he catches Frank stealing a pair of headphones, he doesn't hesitate to confront him. But what was meant to be a routine procedure turned quickly into a dangerous game when Mrs. Iero enters the mix.

Faced with losing his job if he allows Frank to steal, but knowing Frank will suffer severely if Mrs. Iero sees him being confronted by the staff for his thefts, Gerard becomes caught between doing what's legal and what's right--and things only get harder when Frank gets closer and closer, begging Gerard not to tell the cops about his mother because she's not crazy, she's just sick.


Bet you can't guess who recommended this fic to me *gasp* yes it was Kristine again.

This is another great one though. I tore through the first 60 whatever chapters or so until I had to wait for updates, I was so hooked it was ridiculous.

Just a warning this story does have a lot of heavy topics, obviously child abuse is one but it also deals with self-harm and suicide attempts so it isn't a light read but you should know by now that I enjoy darker fics.

It isn't all depressing though, I don't want to spoil it too much but it has a lot of fluffy moments plus Gerard gets Frank a dog which is so freaking cute.

I think the only bad thing I have to say for it is that the ending was sort of abrupt for me. I mean the fic is long af but I was getting the sense that they were setting up a new plot point for a little while but then the next thing I knew it was over. I wasn't disappointed with how the author wrapped it up though, more just surprised I guess.

Overall this is a serious 9/10 and it is worth checking out if you haven't already.

Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/3185336/chapters/6922370

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