I Would Lay My Armor Down (Zarry)

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I Would Lay My Armor Down by estrella30

Posted on AO3

Pairing: Zarry

Other Characters: Louis Tomlinson

Rating: Mature

Chapters: 1

Word Count: 25,252

Summary: Heard about you and Gigi, the text reads. Zayn stares at the words on the screen and in his head he can hear Harry's slow drawl. Can almost see the dimple sinking into his cheek, his eyes, big and wide and green. 

So sorry. Hope you're all right

All my love

Zayn stares at it while his heart thumps heavy in his chest. He doesn't understand how a string of numbers and letters on a screen could paralyze him like this, but they do. His face is hot and his ears ring. Stitch nips at Zayn's hand. The movement startles him out of the fog  he'd slipped into, and he taps his thumb against the screen and without missing a breath, swipes across and deletes the message.

OR - current canon fic where Harry and Zayn try to work out their issues


There have been so many good Zarries lately I am so blessed.

This fic was another gem that actually managed to keep my attention in the odd not reading mood I've been it. It's set in present time and is sort of canon-compliant which I've found I really love with One Direction fics.

This author writes both Zayn and Harry so well and they managed to keep me hooked with a plot line where honestly very little happened which I am always impressed by.

This was really just a soft lovely read involving a sulking Zayn and his adorable pets and his feelings for Harry which never really went away and that was exactly what I needed right now.

Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12923010

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