Nothing Comes as Easy as You (Frerard)

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Nothing Comes as Easy as You by rivers_bend

Posted on AO3

Pairings: Frerard, Petekey

Rating: Explicit

Chapters: 1

Word Count: 8,550

Summary: "Um, I've heard, you know, around, that like, there are guys who can get off three times without stopping. And I was, I mean—" god he sounds like a fucking idiot. "Have you ever heard of that?"


I haven't uploaded any porn to this list in a while, so here is one that I have read more times than I am comfortable admitting.

Basically Frank is Mikey's best friend and he finds out that the Way brothers are known for being able to come three times in a row, so of course that is all he can think about the next time he goes to hang out with Mikey and he ends up watching a movie with Gerard instead.

This is super hot, not to mention really well written. It is definitely worth a read if you aren't already obsessed with it like I am.


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