Ephemera (Matty/George)

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Ephemera by babyspiders

Posted on Wattpad

Pairings: Matty Healy/George Daniel, Raughy

Other Characters: Adam Hann, Gemma Janes, Ellie Rowsell

Rating: Mature

Chapters: 5

Word Count: 36,627

Summary: George didn't expect much of his life. He'd come to be rather complacent with the ways things had turned out to be. He wasn't unhappy, per se, just very uninspired by the world around him. He found himself with little more than vague enthusiasm towards a select few things in his life. Perhaps he'd thought he was okay with that, and that he'd live his life amounting to very little at all. Perhaps he really had thought that, but that was before he'd met Matty.

Matty didn't expect much of himself. He'd fall out of trust with the world, and came to bury the person he'd once been deep inside himself, under a mess of arrogance and over spoken ideas about the way things should be. Everything was bullshit - love, family, being a 'functioning member of society', and perhaps it didn't look like he was ever going to get far with his life. Perhaps he'd thought he was okay with that: with locking up who he really was inside everything he'd wanted to be. Perhaps he really had believed that, but that was before he'd met George.

Neither of them had much cared for change, but the thing was that change never did stop to ask for your opinion before it happened.


So Kier hit 15k followers and on my birthday no less so I finally got to read the Matty and George fic that they wrote as a surprise/thank you for that.

It was so hard to be patient and wait for this even though I think it only ended up being a week or so from the time Kier first told me about it to when they posted it but still it seemed like forever.

I don't want to say much about it but basically George works in this little shop when Matty comes in and is an absolute twat the entire time so George doesn't like him at first but that changes very quickly.

I have nothing bad to say about this it is a literal 10/10. The characters are so lovely and well developed even though it's short and it is angsty, and gay, and fluffy all at once.

It is so wonderful honestly plus Kier made a playlist to go with it which fits the fic perfectly not to mention they added art to each chapter and it all ties together in such a nice way.

Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/74267432-ephemera-matty-healy-george-daniel

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