Creeper Pete Series (Petekey, Frerard)

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Creeper Pete Series by ladyfoxxx
Part 1: The Blue Room
Part 2: Show Me

Posted on AO3

Pairings: Petekey, Frerard

Rating: Explicit

Chapters: 1 (in both parts)

Word Count
Part 1: 2,650
Part 2: 3,593

Part 1: The one where Pete is a not-so-accidental voyeur.
Part 2: Pete has a fresh obsession. Now he wants to watch Mikey.


I just realized that I don't have any Petekey on this list yet (at least I don't think I do) so here is one of my favorites featuring some Frerard because that just makes everything better.

Idk why but I really like voyeurism, and this fic does such a good job describing Pete's reaction - ugh - just go read it, you will not be disappointed.

Part 1:
Part 2:

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