Pokémon Go Out With Me (Frerard)

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Pokémon Go Out With Me by Helena_Hathaway

Posted on AO3 (I also found it on Wattpad recently)

Pairings: Frerard, Petekey (mentioned)

Other Characters: Ray Toro

Rating: Explicit

Chapters: 1

Word Count: 8,724

Summary: Gerard is a rather antisocial hermit who leaves his house for very few reasons, none of those including human interaction. Except now Nintendo is trying to get him out of the house with the promise of Pokémon, and he has waited his entire life to catch 'em all, he's not going to let a silly thing like the outdoors stop him.


I need to go to bed it's almost 6am but I can't stop reading fanfic send help.

So anyway I saw this on zeppelinspaced's rec list and I don't even play Pokémon Go but I knew it was going to be great because this author is the shit and I was not wrong.

Honestly this has the perfect mix of humor, nerd references, and it ends with a little bit of smut and cuddling - what more could you ask for?

I never know what else to say in these descriptions anymore just go read it you will not regret it.

Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7495956

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