Unholyverse Series (Frerard)

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Unholyverse by Bexless
Part 1: I Have Been All Things Unholy
Part 2: Staring Through the Demons
Part 3: Heaven Help Us

Posted on AO3

Pairings: Frerard, Rikey

Other Characters: Bob Bryar, Brian Schechter, Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Joe Trohman, Andy Hurley, Craig Aaronson

Rating: Mature for the first two parts and explicit for the last one

Chapters: 1 (in all parts)

Word Count
Part 1: 54,960
Part 2: 53,830
Part 3: 68,251

Part 1: "He thinks I have stigmata," Frank said, because what the fucking hell, it couldn't get any worse. He might as well just lay it out.

"Oh, well," said Brian into his hands. "Of course."
Part 2: Pete and Patrick were still looking expectant, so Mikey said, "So we're a group of...traveling...personal grooming experts. I guess."

Patrick looked at Gerard. "And their priest."

"We're very spiritual," Ray mumbled.
Part 3: "It would seem," the Cardinal finished, "that Father Way's body has disappeared."

There was a silence. Eventually Bob said, "What the fuck?"

"Yes," said the Cardinal. "Quite."


So here is another series that I am sure that everyone has already read, but I just now managed to finish it, even though I think I started the first part ages ago before forgetting about it like I usually do.

But finally, at almost 5am, I have officially completed it, and my quality of life has greatly improved.

This story is so fucking wonderful, like the plot in all three installments is crazy cool, which I am not going to bother to explain because I am lazy and you probably all know what it is about anyway.

The author has this amazing talent of mixing humor and life threatening situations in just the right way to still have you on the edge of your seat but at the same time, it isn't too dark or heavy.

There is a lot of blood and torture in this though, so be careful if that triggers you.

And ugh - Frank and Gerard's relationship is so well done and believable. I loved the way they didn't jump into anything too quickly, and I am a sucker for tension and drawn out admissions of feelings, which this fic definitely provided (random side note: I cannot spell definitely I have to use spell check on it every single time).

There is also two small oneshots that happen after the original series posted on the author's page called During Working Hours and Turning Point, which you should totally check out as well if you haven't done so, especially the second one, and not just for the grade A smut in which Gerard tops.

I am exhausted now, so I am going to shut up before I fall asleep on my laptop.

Link: http://archiveofourown.org/series/9795

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